80 Seats Left for WPT World Championship Diamond Challenge at ClubWPT


August 2, 2024 · 2 minutes

clubwpt wpt world championship diamond challenge

The WPT World Championship Festival last December was an occasion to remember, and the World Poker Tour, alongside its partners, is looking to make the upcoming Festival just as good, if not better.

To help accomplish this goal, ClubWPT will be sending one player to the 2024 WPT World Championship event taking place at the Wynn, Las Vegas, this December, and everyone’s welcome to take a shot at the package.

ClubWPT has been running regular qualifiers to the WPT World Championship Diamond Challenge taking place on Sunday, July 28, but there are still 80 seats open in this tournament, and they’ll be filled over the next few days. So, if you’d like to get in the mix, this week is your last chance.


Last Four Freerolls Lined Up

Over the past month, players had a chance to get involved with freeroll qualifiers taking place every weak. Each of these sent a top few dozen players through to the final Diamond Challenge event, a tournament that is capped at 400 entries.

With the WPT World Championship Diamond Challenge now just around the corner, there are only a few more qualifiers left on the docket, sending a total of 80 more players to the final tournament. The remaining freerolls are:

  • July 25, 8:30 PM ET – 20 seats
  • July 26 – 7:30 PM ET – 30 seats
  • July 27 – 7:30 PM ET – 30 seats

The Diamond Challenge Finale will take place on Sunday, July 28, starting at 5:30 PM ET, and a total of 400 players will get to compete for one WPT World Championship package.

The winner will receive a WPT World Championship Passport worth $12,000, consisting of $10,400 tournament entry, $1,500 for travel and accommodation, and a variety of other perks and goodies, including a meet and greet with WPT Talent.

Don’t Miss Out on One of the Best Tournaments of the Year

The WPT World Championship in December stands to be one of the biggest and most impressive tournaments of 2024 despite a rather big competition for that title.

Of course, the $10k buy-in makes the event out of reach of many average poker fans, which is why there are many online satellites running around the clock to help boost the numbers. And as far as qualifying opportunities go, ClubWPT offers the best of them.

As long as you have a Diamond membership, you can enter as many freeroll satellites as you want to try and secure your spot in the main Challenge.

Once you do that, you’ll still need to outlast a field of 400 players to claim the package, but given the price of the membership and the average level of the competition, this is definitely one of the best and easiest paths to such a prestigious competition.

If you can’t make it into this month’s qualifiers, the good news is that ClubWPT will be offering more opportunities in the weeks and months to come.

So, if you’re not a member yet, we recommend you sign up and keep your eyes peeled for upcoming qualifiers for the WPT World Championship in December. It will be an event to remember once again, and you don’t want to miss out!

Article by
Ivan played poker professionally for over five years but finally decided to merge his passion for writing with poker and became one of the leading writers in this industry. You can connect with Ivan via his LinkedIn profile and follow him on Twitter.

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