Best Push Fold Chart For 2025

Ante / Big Blind
My Big Blinds
Your Position

You can shove these hands from the SB for 1 Big Blinds!

Push Fold Chart Answer

Nash Heads-Up Push Fold Chart

Nash Heads-Up Push Fold Chart

Nash Heads-Up Calling Chart

Nash Heads-Up Calling Chart

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Check our frequently asked questions to find the answers you’re looking for

  • How did you get these push fold charts?

    These push fold charts are calculated based on ICM poker considerations and are used by the best MTT players, so it is considered an optimal approach for end game situations.

    It also assumes that your opponent is calling perfect ranges, so if you have specific read that particular player is deviating by calling less or more, you can adjust accordingly.

  • What does this poker push fold chart tell me?

    It shows you when it is profitable to shove a specific hand based on your position and stack depth for the play to be winning you chips even when your opponents are calling perfectly.

    This poker push/fold chart assumes you only are pushing or folding.

    Sometimes you can choose to open some hands instead of strictly using push fold strategy. Still, shoving let’s you maximize fold equity and gives you a chance to increase your stack without even seeing the flop.

    I just want to highlight that this is a very good starting point, but if you want to learn more advanced strategies and adjust even versus strong players, you should check some of the best poker training options available today.

  • When should I be using only push fold strategy?

    Firstly and most importantly, these charts should only be used when you are the first to enter the pot. If someone already raised or limped, the math changes significantly, so you should not use a push fold chart in these situations.

    If that is the case, you should base your decision based on your reads and stats, since it will be very player dependent.

    Secondly, you have a push fold solution up to 20 big blinds, which indicates how you should be playing your entire range by either moving all-in or folding.

    While it is not always the case, sometimes you will find yourself in a situation with a lot of active players behind where it is just not worth opening and then folding some part of your range. This poker push fold chart gives you math-based guidelines for playing these situations.

    This strategy often prevails against opening and folding in tough games, even when playing as deep as 20 big blinds.

  • When is it worth adopting open raising instead of using push fold calculations?

    While you should be mostly shoving or folding with 12 big blinds or less, sometimes you can be raising with the intent to steal the pot when you have more than 13 BB.

    It is especially true when you are playing against tight opponents who are not defending enough and gives you great odds to steal some pots preflop.

  • How should I adjust those shove fold charts if I opt to raise some part of my range?

    The best idea would be to raise some of your strongest hands and some of your weakest ones.

    If you have very tight competition who are folding a lot, this will increase your EV, and you can still shove everything in the middle.

    That being said, without specific reads, using push fold only Texas Holdem strategy is often the best option.

  • What should I consider when adjusting this push fold chart against different players?

    The most important consideration is your stack depth since these push fold ranges assume the effective stack in play.

    For example, if the player in the BB is very short-stacked, he will be calling a lot, so your fold equity will diminish, meaning you should play tighter ranges and mostly shove value hands.

  • What are the common adjustments I could make?

    While you should not force yourself to adjust these poker push fold charts if you do not have any reads on your opponents, there are some population tendencies based on the stakes that you play that you can use.

    For example, players in lower stakes games who do not have solid fundamental knowledge tend to fold way too much against all-in shoves, so you can widen these ranges from late positions and push even more hands than these charts suggest.

  • Why these push fold ranges changes so much based on different “Ante” size?

    With antes in play, you have much more dead money into the pot, so naturally, you can shove more hands because you are going to win more chips if you succeed.

    These push fold charts will give you a perfect estimate on how to adjust your ranges based on ante size and can be a great learning material to your end-game situations.

  • Should I adjust these push fold charts based on how many players are at the table?

    That is an excellent question, and yes, you should do it. These push fold charts should be used as a reference point and is calculated based on full-table situations.

    Without antes, there is no difference, so you can simply use a push fold chart based on your position, but with antes in play, you can make some changes.

    For example, if you are playing a short-handed game or you are not on the full table, you need to push a bit tighter since there will be less dead money in the pot because of fewer antes.

    That being said, you should not make significant adjustments since this have a relatively small impact, so you can simply push a few less hands, and that’s it.

  • What is the Nash push fold chart?

    Nash tables are designed for heads-up play and give you perfect calling and shoving ranges when you are up against a single opponent.

    It should not be used for your pushing or calling decisions in a full table when everyone is folded to the small blind, but rather in an actual heads-up game where there are only two players at the table.

    Nash poker push fold chart

  • What else I need to consider when using this push fold chart?

    While there are rarely very fixed situations in MTTs, you can always make some adjustments based on your observation or poker software stats.

    You should consider if your opponents are folding too often and if so, you can shove more or play tighter if they are playing too many hands.

    Also, you need to consider additional factors such as when the blinds will increase and if the next orbit will kill your fold equity, and if that is the case, make some adjustments to give yourself the best chance to win.

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