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Firing That Third Barrel – How to Know When to Do It?

888poker firing third barrel

1 minute

Last Updated: May 23, 2022

Facing a triple barrel from our opponent can be a daunting prospect. This fact is especially true when we hold some type of mid-strength hand that we would have loved to see a showdown with.

Faced with this display of aggression from our opponent we have no choice but to fold.

Despite this being an aggressive play, the truth is that it is nearly always a value-heavy play. Most players don’t 3-barrel bluff nearly as much as they should.

Assuming we are following an optimal poker strategy, we should be bluffing almost 30% of the time in the majority of triple barrel situations. The average player bluffs more like 5% of the time, or never at all.

So, when is it correct to triple barrel, both as a bluff and for value? If you'd like to know more about this interesting topic, be sure to visit the 888poker Magazine to read the full article.

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