
What You Should Be Doing to 3bet Better!


September 9, 2022 · 1 minute

888poker how 3bet better

It seems that everywhere you look, people are following the latest fashion trends. They’re recording useless TikTok dances and sharing whatever memes have blown up in the last week or two.

  • Why on earth do people behave like this?
  • Are we addicted to attention, or is there something more to it?

Well, the reality is that copying is an innate human behaviour. Confucius identified it as one of the three ways in which we learn. But we are also hyper-social creatures that long to be accepted by society.

As a result, our reason for copying something can often be little more than ‘because everyone else is doing it'. As the philosopher, Eric Hoffer observed, “When people are free to do as they please, they usually imitate each other.”

Many of us probably began our poker careers imitating. Perhaps you started because you saw poker on TV or your friends played already – That's just more copying, right?

With little idea of what was going on, and a desperate desire not to look stupid, you probably adopted the exact bet sizes, terminology, and chip tricks as everyone else.

But, there are ways you can stand out from the crowd in many different aspects of the game. If you want to learn how to improve your 3bet skills specifically, be sure to visit the 888poker Magazine to read the full article.

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As an avid online casino player, Alex strives to stay in touch with the latest gambling trends. He likes to share his passion for the industry with other players through his writing work. You can connect with Alex on LinkedIn .

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