888Poker News

888ride with Joey Ingram – Networking, Poker, and AI Wives


August 19, 2024 · 4 minutes

Joey Ingram 888ride

Over the years of running, 888ride has had some interesting guests, but none of them have been scheduled to talk to David Tuchman more than once until Joey Ingram made his latest appearance on the show.

Eight years after his initial 888ride interview, Joey joined Tuck for a ride down the Las Vegas Strip, demonstrating a completely new outlook on life and a more mature version of the young man who moved out to Sin City with big dreams and aspirations.

While Ingram’s dreams have only grown bigger over the years, his network and influence in the poker world have made it possible to turn some of those dreams into reality.

The latest 888ride chat is one of the best we have seen to date and well worth a watch if you are interested in the latest happenings in the world of poker and beyond or simply a fan of Joey Ingram and his work.

You can check out the full episode below or keep on reading for highlights of this 30-minute conversation between two living legends of the poker community.

Eight Years Later – What’s Changed for Joey?

Eight years ago, Joey Ingram was an up-and-comer in the poker world, having just transitioned from crushing the online PLO games to becoming one of the first content creators in the poker space.

Young and full of life, Joey was ready to take on the world and make great things happen in poker and his personal life.

The original 888ride with Joey was a short skit that saw him open with a skit, try his hand at freestyle rapping, and briefly talk about his intentions in poker and the world of content.

Eight years later, Joey conquered both arenas and became one of the biggest names in the poker community, but his goals and direction changed along with him.

Having stepped away from regular content updates, Ingram now focuses more on his career as an investor and consultant, hoping to one day own one of the biggest holding companies in Las Vegas and perhaps beyond.

Poker Bots Rejuvenated Ingram’s Love for Poker

Over the last couple of years, we have seen many people blame the surge of poker solvers and bots for the declining state of the online poker ecosystem and the game as a whole.

Never one to go with the flow, Joey Ingram feels the opposite! In his 888poker interview, Ingram revealed that he found a new love for poker when he was introduced to poker bots he can practice playing against.

For the first time ever, he has been enjoying playing Texas Hold’em instead of his usual game of Pot Limit Omaha, and has been spending countless hours honing his NLH skills against these bots.

Poker bots made Joey fall back in love with poker

Created to mimic a GTO poker player, the bots are powerful learning tools that allow a player to play at a very high level and practice the kind of poker they would need to compete against the very best players in the world.

 By playing tens of thousands of hours against the bots, Joey believes he has improved his NLH skills to a high level, which will help him in a number of endeavors he hopes to pursue in the future.

A Massive Network Was Key to Joey’s Success

Talking about his career as a whole and his path moving forward, Joey emphasized the importance of networking as a tool for success in Las Vegas.

Unlike many others who came out to the desert and left empty-handed, Joey was able to build the right connections and gain access to what he refers to as “unlimited resources.”

It is no secret that Papi regularly rubs shoulders with some of the wealthiest and most successful people in both poker and business who live in Las Vegas or visit Sin City to play in the biggest private games around.

Joey Ingram with Private Games Legend Alan Keating

The ability to use all these people as a resource has allowed Ingram to work on projects he enjoys and get involved with companies and individuals he deems worth it while simultaneously mentoring and helping plenty of people he thinks deserve it.

According to Joey, it took years for him to learn how things work in Las Vegas, but now that he’s dialed in, there is nothing stopping him from making his dreams come true.

What’s Next for Poker’s Biggest Content Creator?

Asked about his future, Joey revealed for 888poker that he has huge business plans that would one day see him own or run a casino and possibly own a massive holding company covering resorts, entertainment, and other spheres of life in Las Vegas.

With access to virtually all the essential names in poker and gambling, Ingram certainly has what it takes to make such dreams a reality. At the same time, he revealed he spends 24 hours a day networking and working on gradually turning those dreams into reality.

On a more personal level, Papi opened up about his previous relationships and his plans for the future on a personal level.

Living the life he is, Joey has a very open-ended schedule that often sees him out in the bars and lounges of Las Vegas into the wee hours of the night, sometimes making it hard to form real connections with the ladies.

Yet, he is also open to finding the right person to form a family with and is looking into options of AI wives and AI or “lab-grown” babies for himself in the future should those plans fail.

Always willing to think outside the box, Ingram once again offered some interesting takes on current affairs both in poker and beyond it, making the latest 888ride interview one any true poker fan should take the time to watch in full and without skipping.

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Zvonimir has played poker for well over a decade and shared his knowledge with his fans and followers on various sites. He will help you master anything from basic strategies to advanced topics, so you will not go wrong with his articles. He also loves watching poker on TV and shares his insights about poker celebrities. You can connect with Ivan via his LinkedIn profiile.

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