Poker World

Enjoy Your Honeymoon at GGPoker – Kick Off Your Poker Journey in Style


November 6, 2023 · 4 minutes

enjoy ggpoker honeymoon

GGPoker’s dominance of the online poker realm has been easy to feel in recent years, and one of the areas in which the operator has done the most are promotions.

Over $10,000,000 is given away each month through a number of promotions. The “Honeymoon for Beginners” is one of the most interesting ones for new players joining the site after reading our GGPoker review.

The promo is available immediately upon creating your account, and it gives you a chance to win valuable prizes and significantly boost your bankroll over the first thirty days on the site.

If you are considering joining a new online poker site or looking for fun ways to increase your bankroll, keep reading and find out more about the Honeymoon promo and how you can claim yours at GGPoker.

What Is Honeymoon for Beginners?

The Honeymoon promotion at GGPoker is a way for the operator to thank new players for joining the site. It comes on top of the valuable GGPoker welcome bonus package you can also claim.

The promotion will not kick off before you are ready. You can visit the Honeymoon page in your account to activate it and start completing your Honeymoon missions.

The Honeymoon lasts one full month (30 days), and gives you one poker mission to handle every day. As you complete missions over the 30 days, you will receive appropriate awards according to the following list:

Completed Missions Reward
3 Two $0.50 AoF SNG Tickets
5 One $2.50 Global MILLION$ Satty Ticket
7 Seven $0.50 AoF SNG Tickets
10 One $5 Omaholic MILLION$ Satty Ticket
15 T$14
20 $20
23 One $50 Global MILLION$ Ticket
24 T$50
25 One $54 Omaholic Bounty MILLION$ Ticket
30 $150

The total value of all the Honeymoon rewards you can win at GGPoker is $350, which is reserved for the most dedicated players who complete every mission that’s put before them.

As you can see, the rewards go from less valuable ones such as the micro stakes AoF SNG tickets, to $150 in cold hard cash for players who complete all thirty missions.

The more you play at GGPoker, the more missions you are likely to complete, but let’s take a look at some mission examples and how realistic they actually are to complete.

GGPoker’s Honeymoon Mission Examples

ggpoker honeymoon promo

The one thing that remains a mystery for many players chasing after the Honeymoon rewards is how likely it is to actually get to the last day and complete every mission on the list.

Your Honeymoon at GGPoker, like most others, will start in a blissful way, as your early missions will be to play a few hands of Texas Hold’em, Omaha, or AoF Poker, post a straddle at a Texas Hold’em table, etc.

These early missions are very easy to complete and should easily get you past the halfway point, especially considering you can complete them at the lowest stake tables possible.

As days go by, the missions will become more difficult, and some of them will depend somewhat on luck.

One mission will ask you to get dealt pocket aces in Texas Hold’em, which can take some time. Some others will require you to play a 5x or 10x Spin & Gold, which is also not something you can control and will require you to put in some volume.

Once you get past day 25, missions like “Win a Bounty Hunter MTT” and “Win All-In or Fold Jackpot” will also appear on the list, and these can be difficult, but not impossible, to complete.

Still, with some luck, you may be able to actually get to thirty and complete every last mission, while getting to day 25 will be a fairly enjoyable ride for most players.

Win More with GGPoker

honeymoon promo at ggpoker

There are countless reasons to play at the world’s biggest online poker site, but their promotions are certainly near the top of the list.

Not only are there games of your choice running at GGPoker around the clock, but the operator also offers tons of added value through a multitude of channels.

The welcome bonus you can pick up at GGPoker is worth up to $600 in cash, but you can also pick up $100 in freebie rewards if you have only a small bankroll to work with.

The Honeymoon promotion is another way to pick up extra cash and tournament tickets, as are the daily freebies, which give you a new chance to spin up a bankroll every day when you log into your GGPoker account.

Other leaderboards, jackpots, challenges, and gifts are available every month at GGPoker as part of their regular $10,000,000 monthly giveaway. This means all you need to do is be in the right place at the right time.

Join GGPoker today to kick off your poker Honeymoon, pick up your welcome bonus, and play in some of the best value poker games available anywhere in the world, at your own pace and in your own time.

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Zvonimir has played poker for well over a decade and shared his knowledge with his fans and followers on various sites. He will help you master anything from basic strategies to advanced topics, so you will not go wrong with his articles. He also loves watching poker on TV and shares his insights about poker celebrities. You can connect with Ivan via his LinkedIn profiile.

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