Casino Blog

What Are Announced Roulette Bets & Should You Use Them?


December 11, 2024 · 4 minutes

announced roulette bets

Roulette is one of the simplest and most entertaining casino games you can play. Although it’s primarily luck-based, you have a huge variety of betting options to explore when placing your bets at the roulette table.

One of these options is the so-called “announced bets”. They’re not as common as regular inside and outside roulette bets, and many roulette players don’t know much about how they work or how to place them.

That said, if you want to learn everything about announced roulette bets, you’ve come to the right place!

On this page, we’ll discuss what these bets are, how they work, their odds, and if using them when playing roulette is a smart betting decision.

What Are Announced Bets in Roulette?

The common inside and outside roulette bets are relatively easy to spot right off the bat, even if you’ve never played roulette before.

Announced bets aren’t a part of these two groups, as they are located on an oval-shaped area away from the main roulette betting board.

Announced bets are also often called French bets due to their origin and the fact that they can be found in French Roulette.

The main principle of announced bets is that you’re covering a specific sizable section of the wheel by placing just one type of bet.

what are announced roulette bets

Moreover, it’s crucial to make a distinction between announced bets and call bets. These two bets are very similar but have one important difference.

When you’re placing an announced bet, you need to lay the chips on the oval-shaped area. Oppositely, a call bet doesn’t require you to place any chips when placing the bet.

Types of Announced Bets in Roulette

There are four main types of announced roulette wagers. These can be found on European roulette versions, but all cover different numbers and include a different betting process.

Here’s a quick overview of all of the types of announced bets in roulette:

  • Jeu Zero (Zero Game) – A type of announced bet that only covers the six numbers closest to zero. Placing this wager includes betting on 12-35-3-26-0-32-15 and comes with winning odds of just under 19%. Despite its name, Jeu Zero is more popular in Germany than in France and is called “zero spiel” in German casinos.
  • Le Tiers du Cylindre (Third of the Wheel) – Staying true to its name, the Le Tiers du Cylindre covers a third of the wheel. More specifically, it covers all numbers on the roulette wheel that lie between 27 and 33. It offers you winning chances of just over 32%.
  • Orphelins – One of the most popular bets among casual roulette players, the Orphelins bet is the only announced bet that covers non-connected sections. It covers two series of numbers, 17-34-6 and 1-20-14-31-9, and gives you a 24.3% chance of winning.
  • Voisins Du Zero (Neighbors of Zero) – As the name says, this announced bet covers the closest neighbors of zero looking from both sides. It’s the most complex type of announced roulette bet. The Voisins du zero covers the series of 22-18-29-7-28-12-35-3-26-0-32-15-19-4-21-2-25 numbers. It gives you the best winning chances at 45.9%.

How to Make Announced Roulette Bets

If you’re playing online roulette, the process of making announced bets is fairly simple, as you have pre-set buttons for doing so.

However, if you’re playing live roulette in a real casino, mastering announced roulette bets could be challenging.

This is because you’ll need to place your chips on all of the different spots that cover the type of announced bet you want to make.

understanding announced bets in roulette

Some announced bets can be simple. A good example of this is the tiers du cylindre bet, which only covers six splits. On the other hand, a bet like voisins du Zero can be difficult to master.

This announced roulette bet covers seventeen different numbers and requires you to place single chips on five different spots and four chips on more complex wagers.

Bottom Line – Should You Use Announced Bets?

Going by the information we’ve shared with you on this page, it’s clear that announced roulette bets don’t quite offer you the best winning chances.

You’ll always have less than a 50% chance of winning, which is not the position you want to put yourself in for the long term.

On the other hand, announced bets can be entertaining and exciting to place. With that in mind, you should definitely give them a try. Just be careful not to go overboard with them.

Like all other roulette bets, they can bring you some good money, but focusing your game around them for long periods will always statistically cost you more money than you can win.

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As an avid online casino player, Alex strives to stay in touch with the latest gambling trends. He likes to share his passion for the industry with other players through his writing work. You can connect with Alex on LinkedIn .

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