Poker World

Cardplayer Lifestyle Mixed Game  Festival Returns to Las Vegas Resorts World


March 12, 2023 · 2 minutes

mixed games festival IV

In the poker world, mixed games often don’t get the love they deserve as they don’t have the kind of mass appeal that mainstream variations like Hold’em and PLO do. Thus, casinos and cardrooms aren’t as incentivized to stage mixed game events.

Of course, this leaves a bit of a gap for those who do enjoy playing mixed games, not giving them many options. Cardplayer Lifestyle and its founder Robbie Strazynski decided to do something about it, coming up with the idea of a Mixed Game festival taking place at various locations worldwide.

After three successful events, the Mixed Game Festival IV is coming back to the Resorts World Las Vegas on March 19 – 23, 2023, bringing loads of non-Texas Hold’em action, valuable prizes, and, perhaps most importantly, great vibes.

PokerStars Lends a Helping Hand

The Mixed Game Festival IV is sponsored by the industry giant PokerStars, which means players can look forward to some special prizes thrown into the mix.

This time around, instead of one, there will be two tournaments to get involved with:

  • $260 Omaha 8 / Stud 8 event on March 20
  • $260 H.O.R.S.E. event on March 23

Of course, the March 23 tournament is the “main event” of sorts, and in addition to the first-place cash, the winner will receive an EPT Prague package courtesy of PokerStars. The package includes:

  • A €550 buy-in into an EPT mixed game event
  • Roundtrip costs
  • Accommodation for four nights

The total value of this package is around $3,000, but it’s hard to put a number on the kind of experience the winner will receive. Joining one of the most prestigious tournament tours on the planet and playing mixed game poker against some of the best players around is an opportunity that doesn’t come around that often.

It is also worth noting that the “bubble protection” will be active for both tournaments, so the unlucky bubble finisher will get their buy-in back.

More Added Value

In addition to the main prize, everyone who descends upon Resorts World to join the action will have a shot at many freebies distributed throughout the festival.

Cardplayer Lifestyle has teamed up with a number of well-known brands like PokerGO and BBO Poker Tables to enhance the experience for everyone in the crowd.

Players will also have a chance to get their signed copies of poker books from the likes of Dylan Linde, Chris Wallace, and even the high-stakes legend and five-time WSOP bracelet winner Eli Elezra. A part of the book sales proceeds will go towards charitable causes.

Non-Stop Side Action

Players may come to festivals like this to play in tournaments, but many of them end up at the cash game tables. During the past events, cash game action was very vibrant, and there is no reason to believe it will be any different this time around.

There will be affordable $4/$8 and $8/$16 games running around the clock, while higher stakes will be available on demand.

All in all, for all the fans of mixed games who find themselves in Las Vegas during the period, the Resorts World Hotel and Casino is the place to be! To find more info, make sure to read the full Cardplayer Mixed Games Festival IV announcement, and do not miss the event!

Article by
Ivan played poker professionally for over five years but finally decided to merge his passion for writing with poker and became one of the leading writers in this industry. You can connect with Ivan via his LinkedIn profile and follow him on Twitter.

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