
December 19, 2023 · 1 minute

What Is a Win Rate In Poker

In poker, the win rate refers to the average rate at which a player wins money over a certain period of time. 

Depending on the format, your win rate will be displayed:

  • For cash games in bb/100 (big blinds per 100 hands)
  • For poker tournaments as ROI (return on investment)

BB/100 represents the average number of big blinds a player wins or loses per 100 hands played. A positive bb/100 indicates that the player is winning money, while a negative bb/100 indicates that a player is losing money.

The formula for calculating “bb/100” in poker is as follows:

  • (Net Winnings / Big Blind Amount) / (Big Blinds / 100)

On the other hand, ROII stands for return on investment. It is expressed as a percentage and represents the amount of money a player had won or lost relative to the amount of money they invested in tournament buy-ins.

A positive ROI indicates a profitable player, while a negative ROI indicates a losing player.

The formula to calculate ROI in poker is as follows:

  • ((Net Winnings – Tournament Buy-ins) / Tournament Buy-ins) x 100

Poker Win Rate Example:

If your win rate in cash games is 5bb/100, this means that you are winning 5 big blinds per 100 poker hands on average.

If your ROI in tournaments is 10%, this means that you are winning 10% of your stake on average in each tournament you play. So each time you enter a $100 tournament, your expected returns over the long run are $110.

<< View All Poker Terms



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