Casino Blog

5 Bankroll Tips for Slots You Need to Follow


September 11, 2022 · 3 minutes

bankroll tips slots

Slots are simple and popular casino games that everyone can play without much effort. But, even though you can gamble on slots without any previous knowledge, some tips and tricks can help you get the most out of your experience.

Arguably the most important tips you can pick up are those related to managing your slots bankroll.

With a few simple techniques and tactics, you can really boost your experience and make your bankroll go further.

Here are five valuable tips to ensure you use your slots bankroll to the fullest extent without unnecessarily losing any money.

Play Fever Paylines

A few decades ago, most games had a small number of paylines that were fixed. Nowadays, many slots have 25, 50, or more paylines. Sure, such slots are exciting to play, but they also quickly eat at your bankroll.

If you want to be careful and responsible with your slot bankroll, it’s best to find a balance. Don’t play just one line, but also avoid playing the maximum allowed paylines.

This way, you’ll still get a lot of entertainment value from the game, and won’t blow through your bankroll quickly.

Of course, not all slot players are willing to follow this tip, as many gambling enthusiasts like to play for the biggest prizes.

For instance, if you like chasing progressive jackpots, you’ll likely have to play all paylines every spin to have a chance of triggering the main prize.

Play Simpler Slots

This tip is similar to the first one in that you should go for simpler games and avoid modern slots filled with tons of features.

The great thing about modern sophisticated slots that you can find at netti kasinot is that they’re filled with mini-games and bonus features that deliver both wins and entertainment value.

managing slots bankroll

But, the negative side of this is that you’ll likely find that you lose too much money when you’re on a streak of bad spins.

This is because these slots are “more expensive” to play than standard slot games. So, for players mindful of their bankrolls, the latter is always the better option.

Know the RTP and Volatility

Many modern slots, especially those available in online casinos, offer detailed breakdowns of the game’s stats and features. Regarding this, RTP and volatility are arguably the two most important aspects.

RTP stands for Return to Player and refers to the long-term percentage marking how much a slot machine pays out. When it comes to RTP, the rule is simple, the higher the percentage is, the better.

On the other hand, volatility highlights the short-term results the slot will produce.

For example, if a slot is low in volatility, it won’t chip away your bankroll quickly, but it won’t produce any massive wins. Knowing this, you can pick a slot that best fits your bankroll and playing style.

Play Slowly

A simple but very effective tip for managing your bankroll is to play it slowly and don’t rush your spins. An average slot player enjoys around 600 to 700 spins an hour.

So, if you’re playing for the full hour and wager $2 per spin, you’re potentially risking up to $1,400 in just 60 minutes. Not to mention that many slots take bigger chunks of your bankroll per spin.

slots bankroll tips

If you manage to slow down your tempo and spin the reels for around 300 to 350 times, you can significantly cut your losses. And, doing so doesn’t even require much effort.

You can achieve it simply by taking a few seconds in between each spin, chatting with other players around you, or taking short breaks if you’re playing from home.

Take Advantage of Rebates and Bonuses

If you generally play in land-based venues, you likely know that many casinos will give you a card that tracks your activities when playing a slot game.

Depending on how much time you spend at the slot machine and how much you wager, you will get various incentives and bonuses that provide you with added value for your money.

These benefits are especially advantageous if you’re playing online slots. Some online casino sites offer massive bonuses, cashback offers, and personalized deals that help you boost your bankroll.

That said, always make sure that you read the Terms and Conditions so that you don’t run into any issues when trying to withdraw your free cash.

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As an avid online casino player, Alex strives to stay in touch with the latest gambling trends. He likes to share his passion for the industry with other players through his writing work. You can connect with Alex on LinkedIn .

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