Poker World

PartyPoker Brings a C$200k GTD Micro Series to Ontario


June 11, 2023 · 2 minutes

partypoker ontario micro series

Ontario players with smaller bankrolls and passion for the game have a lot to look forward to in the coming days. Today, June 11, marks the start of the PartyPoker Micro Series, featuring dozens of events with very affordable buy-ins and C$200,000 in guarantees.

Running June 11 – 25, the Micro Series by PartyPoker will feature 88 distinct knockout events, with each event offering two or three tiers: low, medium, and high.

However, with the entire series being targeted at those with smaller bankrolls, the highest buy-ins you’ll come across are C$109 for the two High Roller tournaments on the schedule and a C$265 Super High Roller.

On the other end of the spectrum, you’ll find events with buy-ins as low as C$0.10, so this is one series that truly caters to everyone and leaves no one behind.

Two Exciting Main Events

Players getting involved with the first-ever Micro Series to take place in the newly-regulated Ontario market will have an opportunity to take a shot at two Main Event titles.

The bigger of the two is the $55 Main Event, featuring a big guarantee of C$25,000, while the smaller one is available at just $5.50 and offers a guarantee of C$3,000.

Both tournaments will take place on the last day of the series, June 25, and both will be played out in the popular Progressive Knockout (PKO) format, adding some excitement to the affair.

Of course, there are satellites running around the clock as well, so everyone can have a shot at winning their seat.

Two Weeks Filled With Poker Action

The Main Events are the staple of the Micro Series, but for the next couple of weeks, there will be plenty of tournament action available every single day at PartyPoker Ontario.

The opening day (June 11) will see a total of 18 events, including the first of the two high rollers, the $109 7-Max PKO tournament, with a hefty guarantee of C$10,000.

The second high roller takes place on June 18, and that’s the same day when Event #43 M, featuring a C$4,000 guarantee, will be happening.

The $265 Super High Roller takes place on the last day of the series, starting a couple of hours before the Main Events. This is also the second-biggest guarantee of the PartyPoker Ontario Mini Series, promising at least C$12,500 in prizes.

All tournaments feature a PKO or a classic knockout format, and in addition to Texas Hold’em, players will get to try their hands at some Pot Limit Omaha as well.

Ready, Set, Go!

The Micro Series action gets underway today, and whatever your bankroll might be, you can get involved and play for your share of the rich $200,000 prize pool.

Check out the full series schedule in the PartyPoker Ontario client, pick the events you like, and plan ahead. There is something for every taste, so the options are there. This is easily the best low-stakes online poker series happening in the province right now, so don’t miss out.

Article by
Ivan played poker professionally for over five years but finally decided to merge his passion for writing with poker and became one of the leading writers in this industry. You can connect with Ivan via his LinkedIn profile and follow him on Twitter.

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