Casino Blog

Top 5 Promises Every Slot Player Needs to Make to Themselves


May 25, 2023 · 3 minutes

slot player promises

Slot players make promises to themselves all the time. Unfortunately, when the reels start spinning and the excitement takes over, most of these promises fall through.

Presumably, as you’ve landed on this page, you don’t want to be one of those slot players. For this to be true, the promises you make should be beneficial to your experience and realistic to keep.

To help you be a more successful slot player, we’ve formulated pledges you can commit yourself to and actually achieve. Having this in mind, here are the top five promises every slot player needs to make to themselves.

I Will Stick to My Bankroll

Arguably the most important promise you need to make to yourself is that you will have a slot bankroll and always stick to it.

Before you start playing at an online casino Malaysia, determine how much money you’re willing to risk. Only set aside the money you can afford to lose.

Moreover, set strict limits that will help you keep your promise. It’s useful to have limits for both wins and losses.

This ensures a balanced bankroll management strategy that keeps you from overspending or gambling away your winnings. You can also set a time limit to know when to take a break or end your session.

I Won’t Avoid Doing the Necessary Research

top promises for every slot player

Although slot games are luck-based, you should still put in the required research to learn the game’s vital aspects. Every slot player has their own style and preferences. Considering this, it’s crucial to pick a slot game that fits your temperament and bankroll.

For instance, if you don’t like risking a lot of money, you should pick a low-volatility slot.

If you prefer playing complex games with a lot of in-game features, you need to learn about all of the gameplay mechanics before you put any money into the game.

There’s also the RTP which you should always know, as it directly affects how much you’ll win over time. All of these elements affect your experience. So, stick to this promise and don’t skip doing the research.

I Will Maximize Casino Offers and Bonuses

As a slot player, you can get more out of casino bonuses than any other gambler. So, you mustn’t miss out on everything they can provide you.

From free bonus money to free spins, you can use promo deals to get great additional value.

Again, to keep this promise, you will have to do some research. But, the direct monetary gain you receive in return makes doing so well worth it. Compare different casino bonuses and always check the fine print before claiming a bonus offer.

I Won’t Fall for the Gambler’s Fallacy

promises every slot player should make

Even with the best bankroll management plan possible and all the necessary understanding of a slot game, you’re still not guaranteed a win.

There’s nothing wrong with hoping that every bet could be a winning one. However, there is a difference between hoping and expecting.

And, when it comes to the latter, expecting wins when playing slots can be a very detrimental mindset.

Don’t fall for the Gambler’s Fallacy and presume wins will come based on previous results. Wins and losses are inevitable in this game, so it’s essential to accept them both.

Instead of chasing results and expecting every spin to bring you money, focus on having fun. That way, you will get entertainment from the money you put into the game, and any added wins you achieve will just be a cherry on top.

I Will Stay in Control

Lastly, you need to promise yourself that you will maintain complete control all the time. This is an easy promise to make, but one of the most difficult ones to actually keep.

You don’t have any control over how online slots will operate and what results it will produce. But, you do have complete control over how these results will affect your session and betting patterns.

Coupled with the previous promises you should make to yourself, staying in control during the entirety of your session is a must-have factor for success.

This means that you shouldn’t play when drunk, nervous, angry, or emotionally disengaged in any way. And, if you find yourself losing control during your session, it’s crucial to stop right away.

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As an avid online casino player, Alex strives to stay in touch with the latest gambling trends. He likes to share his passion for the industry with other players through his writing work. You can connect with Alex on LinkedIn .

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