Slots are random and completely luck-based, and this is something you should accept before playing.
This doesn’t mean you can’t win in the short term, but you should not expect to bead this game over the long run.
That said, you can implement habits that most slot players lack and make the right decisions that enable you to boost your chance of winning and extend the lifespan of your bankroll.
Most successful players have certain things in common. In this article, we’ll go over the top three slot machine tips every pro slot player agrees on.
Always Stick to Your Slots Bankroll
Arguably the most important tip every slot player should take note of is to have a fixed bankroll when playing slots. Moreover, you should always stick to your slots bankroll, as it serves several crucial purposes.
Naturally, the most significant reason to have a slot bankroll is to maintain control over how much you’re spending.
A bankroll management strategy prevents you from overspending and ensures that you don’t get in over your head.
To be certain that you always come out on top, even after long losing streaks, you need a bankroll fitting your betting preferences.
For an average session bankroll on an online casino like the ones listed at Tharaacasino.com, you should have around 200x your bet size.
With this in mind, you need to determine betting units. These should be fixed, percentage-based increments of your bankroll.
For example, if you place $1 bets and need 200x your bet size, you should have a bankroll worth at least $200.
Using betting units prevents you from betting disproportionate amounts of your bankroll. It’s nearly impossible to be a serious slot machine player without a bankroll management strategy. Luckily, drafting one is not very challenging, so don’t skip this tip.
Don’t Play Without Researching
Slots are pretty simple. If you’ve played one, you won’t have much trouble playing all the others. However, this is also the reason why many slot players get complacent and undervalue the importance of doing research.
You shouldn’t play a slot game if you’re not familiar with all of its features. This includes bonuses, featured symbols, and basic gameplay mechanics. Moreover, it also includes more sophisticated elements like RTP and volatility.
Conveniently, if you play slots online, you can test the games for free before playing for real money. That way, you can practice for as long as you want and only switch to real-money bets when you’re confident in your knowledge of the game.
In light of this, don’t switch between games too often. It’s better to pick one slot and learn it well.
A good rule of thumb is to avoid complicated slots loaded with advanced features. These often come with lower odds.
So, while they might offer more entertainment value, they are a poor choice if your primary objective is to build your bankroll.
Always Think Long-Term
You won’t hear many slot players talk about this, as there’s no skill element in this game. In other words, you can’t improve any aspect of your experience.
But, even with this being the case, you shouldn’t look at your slot gambling experience from session to session, especially if you consider the previous two tips.
Instead, focus on developing a long-term-oriented mindset. This will bring you numerous benefits.
Firstly, when you always have the bigger picture in mind, it’s less likely that you’ll get caught up in the heat of the moment.
And, this is precisely how most slot players lose their money. Only play online slot machines when you feel fully in control of your actions and decisions.
If you’re under the influence, angry, emotional, or simply don’t find it enjoyable, don’t play. There’s always a next time, so keep your primary goal in mind.
In line with this, when you think long-term, you’re more responsible with your bankroll. When you have this in the back of your mind, you won’t sacrifice your long-term goal by chasing losses during poor sessions.
Chasing losses is a mistake many losing players make, unfortunately. To avoid this, work on developing a sense of knowing when to play and when to stop.