
Win Tickets to the PokerStars New Year Series With Million Dollar Ticket Machine


December 18, 2024 · 2 minutes

million dollar ticket machine

The New Year Series at PokerStars kicks off in a few days, bringing 359 unique tournaments across three different buy-in orbits for every bankroll. There will be plenty of action and a lot of money up for grabs, as there is $35 million guaranteed in prize money.

While buying into tournaments directly or qualifying for higher buy-in events are the usual ways to get involved, this December there is another way, courtesy of the big Million Dollar Ticket Machine giveaway.

As the name suggests, the promo is set to give out $1,000,000 in prize money, distributed in a form of various tournament tickets, and many of the tickets awarded after December 22 will be specifically for the New Year Series.

The good news is that everyone at PokerStars can join the fun and have a shot at some tickets, even without spending a dime!

Join the New Year Raffle

All PokerStars players are welcome and invited to take part in the Million Dollar Ticket Machine giveaway and pick up a share of the massive $1,000,000 prize pool that will be given away over the next three weeks.

The giveaway kicked off last week, but as of December 21, those who throw their hat into the mix will also have a shot at winning New Year Series tickets in addition to Spin & Go and Sunday Million entries, and Power Passes worth up to $10,300.

There are two types of raffles available – daily and weekly. The first one is open to all players with no conditions other than logging into your PokerStars account and opting in once. The weekly raffle, which offers even better prizes, dishes out entries based on rake targets.

As for the prizes available, you’ll find an overview of what to expect in the table below:

Daily RafflesWeekly Raffles
Power Path tickets ($1 and $11)Power Path tickets ($1 and $11)
Sunday Million Anniversary entriesSunday Million Anniversary entries
New Year Series tickets (from $22 to $109)Power Passes ($2,500 & $10,300)
New Year Series tickets up to $1,050

How to Claim Your Entries

If the idea of picking up some free tickets for the upcoming New Year Series and other big events sounds good to you, it’s easy enough to get involved in daily giveaway.

All you have to do is log into your PokerStars account right now, go to the Challenges section, and opt in. That’s it – one opt-in is enough for the entire duration of the promotion, and if you happen to win on any given day, tickets will be added to your account right after the draw.

For the weekly raffle, you’ll need to play some poker and generate a bit of rake. You can claim up to four entries each week by hitting the following goals:

  • One entry: Generate between $5 and $9.99 in rake
  • Two entries: Rake between $10 & $24.99
  • Three entries: Generate between $25 & $69.99
  • Four entries: Rake $70 or more during the week

The Million Dollar Ticket Machine giveaway will remain active until January 5, 2025, with New Year Series tickets coming into play from December 21, 2024. So, don’t miss out on this great opportunity to pick up some free tournament entries and boost your poker bankroll, big time!

Article by
Ivan played poker professionally for over five years but finally decided to merge his passion for writing with poker and became one of the leading writers in this industry. You can connect with Ivan via his LinkedIn profile and follow him on Twitter.

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