Casino Blog

Top 5 Costly Slots Mistakes to Avoid


September 21, 2022 · 3 minutes

Slot games are fairly simple and straightforward. As they are entirely luck-based, there isn’t any strategy involved, meaning that you can’t make that many mistakes even as a complete beginner.

Still, there’s a reason why slot games are the biggest earners for every casino. Many slot players tend to make costly mistakes that make them lose more money than they win.

If you’re looking to improve your success rate at slot games or simply want to avoid making costly mistakes playing slots, you’ve come to the right place. Here are the top costly slots mistakes you should avoid making.

Playing Too Fast

The beauty of slot games is that every player can play them at their own pace. Smart and experienced slots players take advantage of this aspect by playing as slowly as possible.

This is because playing a slot too fast is one of the costliest mistakes you can make.

If you try to push the tempo, you can play up to 600 or more spins per hour. Let’s say that you’re betting just $2 per spin. At 600 spins, you’re risking $1,200 every hour.

But, if you slowed down a bit and play 300 spins without lowering your bet size, you’d be risking just $600.

With this in mind, playing too fast is literally costing you a lot of money. This is simple math every slot player should be aware of. If you risk less money per hour, you’ll lose less money per total session.

Using a System or Strategy

As mentioned in the intro, slots are completely luck-based. There aren’t any tactics or special strategies you can use to beat a slot, as these games are entirely random. Every outcome is decided by chance.

So, why are there so many slot strategy guides and books available online? It’s simple. Everyone wants to win, and some players will try every possible tactic in hopes it works.

slots mistakes to avoid

The truth is, nothing you do can affect the outcome. The only legitimate strategy that can improve your odds is finding good non sticky bonus offers with low wagering.

That said, you can still use general betting systems, but only as a method of responsibly wagering your money, not as a way to beat the game.

Playing Slots Beyond Your Bankroll

Some slots pay much more than others, especially when it comes to progressive jackpot ones. But, these games are also often very expensive to play and unsuitable for every player’s bankroll.

When you factor in that the most rewarding games generally have high volatility, you’re potentially setting yourself up for losing all of your money if your bankroll isn’t big enough to endure long losing streaks.

So, to avoid this mistake, you’ll have to consider your bankroll, find the slot that offers a suitable cost per spin, the right volatility, and an acceptable return percentage.

Playing Without Comps and Bonuses

It’s no secret that the house always wins. But, this shouldn’t stop you from getting the best value for your money when playing a slot.

If you’re playing in a land-based casino, use comps to get some of your money back through cashback deals or obtain additional value through other benefits and amenities the casino might offer.

biggest slots mistakes

Moreover, if you’re playing online slots, you can find plenty of rewarding bonuses and promotions. You can use these deals to boost your bankroll with free money or spins.

With more money, you’ll have more chances of winning. So, don’t make the mistake of missing out on bonuses. As mentioned earlier, good bonuses can, in fact, help slightly improve your winning odds.

Not Knowing When to Stop

The previous four tips concentrate on specific mistakes you might make when playing a slot game. This one doesn’t focus on what to avoid, but when to stop playing altogether.

Winning slot players know when to stop playing and save their money for their next session.

To make it easier to quit the session, you can set specific limits for the money and time you spend playing.

Whether you win or lose, set a limit after which you’ll stop playing. That way, you’ll know when to quit and protect yourself from spending money you could’ve kept in your pocket.

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As an avid online casino player, Alex strives to stay in touch with the latest gambling trends. He likes to share his passion for the industry with other players through his writing work. You can connect with Alex on LinkedIn .

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