Poker World

Hustler Casino Live Announces Lineup for the Million Dollar Cash Game


April 14, 2023 · 4 minutes

hcl million dollar game announced

The last couple of years have seen a massive explosion of live streamed poker games, with shows like Live at the Bike and Hustler Casino Live offering non-stop poker entertainment at absolutely no cost.

Hustler Casino Live in particular has done well, accumulating over 235,000 YouTube subscribers, winning the “Favorite Live Stream” award at the 4th Annual Global Poker Awards, and putting together some of the very best cash games ever played.

Now, Ryan Feldman and the rest of the HCL team have decided to outdo themselves and bring us the biggest and most entertaining televised cash game ever with a  cool $1,000,000 buy-in per player.

PokerGO’s “No Gamble No Future” recently featured a similar format, but allowed players to split their million dollar buyin into two $500k chunks, and featured a lineup made up of more pros than recreational players.

HCL have gone the exact opposite route and decided to bring together quite a few wealthy recreational or semi-professional players who are guaranteed to generate action.

Full Million Dollar Cash Game Lineup Revealed

Hustler Casino Live posted the full lineup for their upcoming Million Dollar Cash Game via their Twitter account on Wednesday, which currently includes 13 names.

The game is scheduled to run for three days, between May 27 and 29, which means we will see players come in and go out even if no one gets busted, which seems quite unlikely.

At this time, the game is advertised as $1 million buy-in with $500/$1,000 blinds and an obligatory $1,000 big blind ante to spice up the action.

The lineup includes a mix of local players who HCL viewers have grown accustomed to seeing on the streams, recreational poker-playing billionaires, and a single dedicated poker pro in Ethan “Rampage” Yau.

Representing the HCL crew in this game will be Ben, Charles, J.R, and Double M, all of whom have played dozens of hours on the popular stream, although never for stakes quite this high.

The likes of Brandon Steven, Chamath Palihapitiya, Rob Yong and Stanley Tang will be “representing” the business community and likely playing slightly wider hand ranges and less aggressive styles than some of their opponents.

Adding flare to the lineup for the big game will be Eric Persson and Nik Airball, two of the players who have stirred up the most controversy in recent months with their table antics and wild style of play.

Another possible wild card at the table will be Mikki, a player we have all seen playing on previous HCL streams, and who is another one who could get some crazy action going.

Rampage was given the privilege of being the only purely professional in the mix, and is currently the last confirmed player in the game.

HCL have also announced that they would be announcing more names for the big game in the coming days, with Tony G and Alan Keating potentially making their appearances as well.

Whether the latter two make it or not, we are in for three days of epic poker battling, as there are plenty of players in the mix who certainly won’t be afraid to put their chips to work.

The Biggest Game of Rampage’s Life

Ethan “Rampage” Yau has made an astronomic rise in fame and fortune over the last couple of years, going from grinding and streaming low stakes live cash games to playing in some of the biggest games in the world in a very short period of time.

Following his massive wins on previous HCL streams and the recent announcement of his new role as WPT Global ambassador, Rampage was now confirmed as the only professional player in the lineup for the Million Dollar Game on HCL.

Regardless of his previous success, this will be the biggest game of Rampage’s life, and it is very likely that he will seek to sell quite a bit of his action to his countless backers online.

With a million dollars on the line, it will be interesting to see if Rampage continues playing his hyper aggressive brand of poker or takes a step back and plays a bit more conservatively.

In either case, we can expect to see Rampage get in the mix, make some big bets, and gun for the biggest win of his professional poker career.

Airball and Persson to Lead the Action

The HCL table will be stacked come May 27 and it’s unlikely that anyone in the game will be playing scared, but there are some differences when it comes to stakes like these.

Two players who we are sure will try to dominate the table are Nik Airball and Eric Persson, with Airball already announcing he will try to cover the table and win big on his Twitter feed.

While poker action will be in the focus, it is not entirely beyond expectation to see some interesting player interactions as well, as the big egos of the likes of Persson and Airball are likely to clash with others when the stakes are this high.

Should players like Tony G and Alan Keating join the mix, we could see some truly epic pots and possibly straddles going as high as $10,000 when the stacks get deep and the action gets wild.

Stay tuned for more updates on the upcoming Million Dollar Cash Game on the HCL stream and get ready to see all records of the biggest live cash game pots ever played broken this coming May.

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Zvonimir has played poker for well over a decade and shared his knowledge with his fans and followers on various sites. He will help you master anything from basic strategies to advanced topics, so you will not go wrong with his articles. He also loves watching poker on TV and shares his insights about poker celebrities. You can connect with Ivan via his LinkedIn profiile.

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