Two Pair poker hand is made of two cards of the same rank accompanied by two cards of different rank and one random card.
As the name suggests, Two Pair hands are very easy to recognize, and yet there are so many ways to make it:
- You can have a pocket pair and see a paired board on the flop. For example, you hold Q Q, and the flop comes 7 7 8, which makes you Two Pairs with Q Q 7 7 8.
- You can also make 2 Pair poker hands by pairing both of your hole cards. Like when having QJ and seeing a flop of Q J 5.
- On top of that, you can pair an additional card on the board when there is a pair in the middle. For example, you can have K J on the flop of J 5 5, which would also make you hold a Two Pair hand.
- You can also see Two Pairs already on the board, like holding AT on J J 7 4 4, and then only your high card comes into play as a kicker making your poker hand of J J 4 4 A.
As you can see, there are various ways to make Two Pair poker hands In Texas Holdem, and most of the time, it will be good enough to take down the pot.
While it only ranks 8th in the poker hands ranking, it still beats the most common One Pair and High Card combinations.
However, since there are so many various Two Pair hands, you need to understand how to determine the winner, and here are a couple of rules to follow when comparing those hands.
First of all, you have to compare the highest pair in combination to determine the winner. For example, if you have Q Q 5 5 3 against J J T T 8, you will take down the pot.
If both players have the same higher pair, then the second pair is compared, and if that is also the same, then you need to use the kicker to determine the winner. For example, Q Q 5 5 3 would lose to Q Q 5 5 9.
Two Pair Odds and Probabilities
2 Pair poker hand is one of the most common winners, so you will be happy to know that there are not only many ways to make this hand, but you actually have great odds to hit it:
- The odds of hitting Two Pair is 4.7539% with any random poker hand.
- The odds of flopping 2 Pair is 2.02% when you have an unpaired hand.
- You also have a probability of 6.4% to improve your One Pair hand to Two Pair hand from the Flop to the Turn.
- Your chances of improving One Pair hand from the Flop and making Two Par hand by the river is 12%.
These are quite decent odds for hitting Two Pair poker hands in Texas Holdem, and you should feel pretty happy when you make one.
What beats Two Pair In poker?
Many combinations actually beat Two Pair since it only ranks 8 out of 10 in the order of poker hands ranking list. Three of a Kind is one rank higher than Two Pais, and it beat this hand just as Straight, Flush, and every stronger combination.
What can a Two Pair beat?
2 Pair beats only One Pair and High Card in poker.
Does 2 Pair beat 3 of a Kind?
No, Two Pair hand does not beat Three of a Kind, so if your opponent tables down three cards of the same rank, your Two Pair is no good here.
Which Two Pair is the strongest?
The strongest possible Two Pair hand is A A K K Q.
Since there are many different combinations of Two Pair hands in Texas Holdem, there is no way to list it all, but the most important thing to remember is that you have to compare the highest pair first to determine the winner.
For example, A A 2 2 5 is stronger than K K Q Q J. If both players have the same highest pair, then the second pair is compared to determine the winner, and if both pairs are identical, then we use the kicker so the who is the winner of the hand.