In poker, the small blind is a mandatory bet posted before each hand by the player sitting on the direct left of the Button.
The purpose of this bet is to create a pot for which the players will compete, as there would be nothing for players to fight without the blinds, and the game could not function properly.
The amount that the small blind needs to post is determined before the start of the game. In cash games, this amount depends on the stakes, while in an MTT, it depends on the structure and the level you are in.
In games like Texas Hold 'em and Omaha, the small blind is posted before the start of the hand by the player on the direct left of the Button.
At the poker table, the small blind is considered the worst position because, in addition to having to post the mandatory bet before even seeing the cards, the player in this position is first to act on every street after the flop.
In a game of information like poker, this puts the player in the small blind at a huge disadvantage since he has to make a forced bet, and his opponents get to see what he does before they make their decision on every street.
Poker Small Blind Example:
Let’s say you sit at a $5/$10 Texas Hold’em table. Before the cards are dealt, the player on the direct left of the BTN places a $5 chip in front of him, while the player on his direct left places a $10 chip in front of him.
In poker, these two bets are called the blinds, the $5 bet is the small blind, and the $10 bet is the big blind.
The name of the bets originates from the fact that the players must post them before seeing their cards (blind posting).