Poker World

Win Your EPT Prague Seats at PokerStars: Mega Qualifier This Sunday (12 Packages Guaranteed)


November 22, 2023 · 4 minutes

ept prague 2023 satellites

With Main Event starting on December 11, and preliminary Eureka events starting as early as December 6, EPT Prague will be the final stop of another EPT season and a culmination of an exciting year of live poker for PokerStars.

It’s been quite a ride for all European live poker players, who had a chance to try brand new stops, visit old favorites, and play poker in some Europe’s top poker destinations across the year.

Now, with just a few weeks left before EPT Prague Main Event kicks off, it’s time to seriously consider your travel plans and jump in for some last minute satellite action at PokerStars to win your seat in what could turn out to be the best EPT event this year.

You can head on over to PokerStars, sign up for your free account, and start playing for your seat right away, or keep reading and find out more about the kind of satellite options at your disposal.

€530 Mega Satellite Available This Sunday

The €5,300 EPT Prague Main Event could not be any closer, and PokerStars is still offering a few opportunities to win your seats for the big extravaganza

The first such opportunity comes tomorrow, November 22, with a single package made up of EPT Seat and expenses up for grabs in a €530 satellite.

An even better opportunity to do the same awaits on Sunday, November 26, when PokerStars is guaranteeing at least 12 full EPT Prague packages via the €530 Mega Qualifier.

The Mega Qualifier kicks off at 9:05 pm CET and allows for up to two re-entries per player and 12 packages worth €7,700 available at the very minimum.

Each EPT Prague package won will include:

  • €5,300 EPT Prague Main Event seat
  • 8 nights for two at the Hilton Hotel, Prague
  • €520 in cash paid into your PokerStars account

With nearly €100,000 in prizes guaranteed, the Mega Qualifier this Sunday will be a real treat for anyone looking to play in Prague this December, and especially those who win their way into the Qualifier through lover-level satellites.

This week’s qualifiers will join more than 40 who have already won their tickets to Prague via a variety of PokerStars satellites that ran previously, bringing the total number of PokerStars qualifiers to well over 50.

You could easily be one of the lucky ones, so make sure not to miss out this Sunday’s action, whether you are willing to enter the €530 Mega Qualifier directly or prefer to win your way for as little as possible.

If you are working with a tighter budget, keep reading and find out how you can win your way to Prague for as little as $1.10 or even for free.

Qualify for EPT Prague One Step at a Time

As is typically the case, PokerStars offers a variety of step satellites for EPT Prague, with buy-ins starting as low as $1.10 and a handful of freeroll step 1 satellites available as well.

Seats into the €530 Mega Qualifier will be offered through a number of €22 Rebuy sateliltes and €27 and €55 Freezeout satellites, each guaranteeing at least one spot in the Mega Qualifier.

To qualify for those, you can play €1.10 freezeout, €2.20 rebuy, or €5.50 freezeout step 1 satellites, each taking you into a different step 2 satellite option.

The €1.10 satellites, for instance, offer seats for the €27 satellites, while the €2.20+ and €5.50 both take players directly into the €55 satellite.

pokerstars ept prague satellites

Finally, if you want to try to win your dream poker trip without risking anything, a handful of freeroll events will be offered by PokerStars over the next few days, each awarding seats into the €22+ satellites, with no risk at all.

Keep in mind that the freeroll satellites do allow for €0.11 rebuys, but you can get your first stack with no charge at all and play your way to a €22 ticket without risking a cent.

Head on over to PokerStars right now for a full list of all the step and direct satellite options for EPT Prague and make sure not to miss out on all the amazing opportunities PokerStars has prepared for you.

Get Ready for Your Dream Poker Trip

Prague is one of the most beautiful European cities any time of the year, but when Christmas rolls around, there is no place better to be than the Czech capital.

With EPT Prague happening in the weeks leading up to Christmas, the city will be flooded with tourists and decorated to the max, with popular Prague Christmas markets being set up as you read this.

If you were only planning on taking one poker trip in the near future, EPT Prague is the way to go, as the city has everything to offer that you could possibly want.

Enjoy the beauty and romance of Prague, play poker with some of the best players in the world, and add one of the most coveted trophies on the live poker tour to your collection.

EPT Prague starts in just weeks, so make sure to log into your PokerStars account this weekend, download the poker app, and battle it out for your ticket to winter wonderland and your future among the ranks of the poker elite.

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Zvonimir has played poker for well over a decade and shared his knowledge with his fans and followers on various sites. He will help you master anything from basic strategies to advanced topics, so you will not go wrong with his articles. He also loves watching poker on TV and shares his insights about poker celebrities. You can connect with Ivan via his LinkedIn profiile.

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