Poker World

PokerStars Dishing Out Heaps of Added Value in Mini EPT Cyprus


October 16, 2023 · 3 minutes

pokerstars mini ept cyprus

PokerStars EPT Cyprus is upon us and the operator has been thinking about all the players who could not make it to the beautiful Mediterranean island for the big festival. If you fall into this group, the Mini EPT Cyprus festival happening at PokerStars is your ideal consolation prize.

Running from October 18 to 22, Mini EPT Cyprus will feature a total of 15 unique events, all with plenty of added value in the form of Power Passes, and thousands of dollars in regular guaranteed prize money.

The festival will be running alongside PokerStars live coverage of events down in Cyprus, giving all the fans at home a chance to join the action and get a taste of playing for the big bucks.

Winners of the two Main Events will even get to walk away with Gold Passes, worth $10,300, while tons of other Power Passes of lower value will be given away throughout the festival.

Keep reading to find out more about Mini EPT Cyprus, or head on over to PokerStars and sign up for the upcoming tournaments right now.

Mini EPT Cyprus Schedule

As already mentioned, the Mini EPT Cyprus will kick off on October 18, and will run for five days, with three unique events on the calendar for each day.

The festival will feature events that anyone can afford, with buy-ins ranging from just $1.10 to $55, with the vast majority of tournaments offered at a price of $11 or less.

PokerStars made sure that Mini EPT Cyprus is an online poker festival that just about anyone can enjoy in full, with buy-ins set very low, but respectable prize pools offered across the board.

Here is a look at the full schedule for the festival:

Oct 18Mini EPT #1 – Deep Stack$3.30$8k
Oct 18Mini EPT #2 – PKO$5.50$15k
Oct 18Mini EPT #3 – HORSE$2.20$1k
Oct 19Mini EPT #4 – PKO$11$35k
Oct 19Mini EPT#5 – Unlimited Re-Entry$25$50k
Oct 19Mini EPT #6 – PKO Hyper$1.10$2k
Oct 20Mini EPT #7 – Deep Stack$2.20$4k
Oct 20Mini EPT #8 – Freezeout$3.30$10k
Oct 20Mini EPT #9 – Hyper$1.10$2k
Oct 21Mini EPT #10 – PLO$1.10$1k
Oct 21Mini EPT #11 – PKO$11$20k
Oct 21Mini EPT #12 – 8-Max$2.20$4k
Oct 22Mini EPT #13 – PKO Hyper$3.30$9k
Oct 22Mini EPT #14 – Main Event L$5.50$50k
Oct 22Mini EPT #15 – Main Event$55$125k

Power Path Tickets Galore

While the guaranteed prize pools for all Mini EPT Cyprus events are certainly quite generous, there is a lot more value to be had in playing these particular tournaments.

In each event, PokerStars has added extra value in the form of Power Path tickets, with a total of $60,000 value added to the prize pools, on top of any money that’s guaranteed or accumulated from player buy-ins.

This means that, in addition to the cash prizes won from playing the tournament, top finishers in all events will receive free Power Path tickets of various levels.

These tickets will range in value from just $0.50, which may be won by hundreds of players in any single event, to Gold Passes, worth $10,300 each.

The most value is added to the two Main Events, both on the calendar on October 22, as the champion of both these events will receive a Gold Pass on top of any cash prize won through the event.

On top of that, the 2nd and 3rd place finisher in the $5.50 version, and the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place finisher in the $55 version of the Main Event, will receive Silver Passes worth $2,500 as consolation prizes.

A single Silver Pass will also be added to the $25 Unlimited Re-Entry event on October 19, and will be awarded to the champion of this tournament.

On top of that, top finishers across all other events will receive $109 Step 4 tickets, which allow direct competition for Silver and Gold Passes in the final step of the Power Path.

You will hardly find more value added to a poker tournament series anywhere around, and these extra tickets make Mini EPT Cyprus the best thing to play in online poker this October.

Join Mini EPT Cyprus at PokerStars

There are only a few days left now before Mini EPT Cyprus kicks off at PokerStars, and the time to join is right now.

The festival will give away tens of thousands of dollars in cash, along with over $60,000 in Power Path tickets that will be added into the prize pools by the operator.

Join the festival, play every event out there, and give yourself the best possible chance of winning a Gold Pass worth $10,300 or a Silver Pass worth $2,500 over the five day series.

With tons of added value and guaranteed huge player pools, the festival will be massively profitable for all skilled poker players out there, so if you count yourself in that category, make sure not to miss this one!

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Zvonimir has played poker for well over a decade and shared his knowledge with his fans and followers on various sites. He will help you master anything from basic strategies to advanced topics, so you will not go wrong with his articles. He also loves watching poker on TV and shares his insights about poker celebrities. You can connect with Ivan via his LinkedIn profiile.

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