WPT Global

WPT Global Set to Give Back 100% of March MTT Rake


March 3, 2024 · 4 minutes

wpt global march mtt rakeback

If you're wondering what the best place for tournament action in March is, WPT Global may just have provided an answer to the dilemma!

The operator has announced that it will be giving 100% of its March MTT rake back to the players via three special freerolls. This means that all your tournament action on the site between March 4 and 31 could be completely devoid of any fees.

The 100% MTT Rakeback promo is just one of many offers running at WPT Global, as the room seems set to attract players in droves, and they aren't afraid to give up a fair bit of cash in the process. If you're an MTT player, keep on reading, as this is an opportunity you don't want to miss out on.

March Brings Rake-Free MTT Action

WPT Global has announced to the poker world that it will return 100% of all rake generated via tournament play on the platform during the month of March.

Although there are certain requirements to take full advantage of this promo, the good news is that there is no discrimination between low-stakes players and high-rollers. Everyone is welcome to participate.

As mentioned, the rake will not be paid back to players' accounts directly but rather returned to the player pool via three different freerolls, each featuring a prize pool equal to the percentage of the total rake accumulated.

  • Bronze-Level Freeroll – 15% of all rake collected ($100k guaranteed)
  • Silver-Level Freeroll – 25% of all rake collected ($150k guaranteed)
  • Gold-Level Freeroll – 60% of total MTT rake collected ($350k guaranteed)

With WPT Global putting generous guarantees on these freerolls, players who put in the required volume can rest assured their efforts will be worth it.

It is quite likely that these guarantees will be exceeded, but if that doesn't happen, the operator will once again reach inside its purse and cover the difference.

Qualifying for the Rakeback Freerolls

For any tournament player out there, this is a great deal, as having a shot at a six-figure prize pool in a freeroll tournament isn't an opportunity that comes all that often.

With that said, there are certain requirements you'll need to fulfill to become eligible for one of these events. These are quite reasonable and attainable for any semi-serious player:

  • Bronze Freeroll requirements: 30 MTTs played or $250 to $999 spent in buy-ins
  • Silver Freeroll requirements: 60 MTTs played or $1,000 to $4,999 spent in buy-ins
  • Gold Freeroll requirements: 100 MTTs played or $5,000+ spent in buy-ins

For the purposes of the 100% MTT Rakeback promo, all your play in real money tournaments is considered, so your average buy-in doesn't matter. Only freerolls are excluded and don't enter the total count.

So, if you were to play 100 tournaments with buy-ins ranging from $1 to $5, you would qualify for the top-tier freeroll, just like someone who spent $5,000 or more in buy-ins.

It is important to note that you'll only get to play in one of these freerolls. If you reach the threshold for the Silver level, you'll be entered into that tournament but won't be able to play in the Bronze event.

This is actually a fair decision on the part of the operator, as it allows those who don't play a lot and only make it into the Bronze Freeroll to have a shot at getting some of the rake back.

The Best Deal for MTT Players This March

As a poker writer, one must always try and balance things to avoid being accused of bias for one reason or another. But when it comes to WPT Global, their promotions, and overlays, there is hardly a reason to be coy about it.

These have been some of the most valuable promotions we've seen in online poker in a while, and the March Rakeback promo continues down the same path.

The PR announcing it included a quote from Alex Scott, WPT Global President, and it's one of those things that are funny because they're true:

Within WPT Global there is an epic battle going on between two groups of people. The first group is comprised of lunatics with no concept of the value of money, and simply wants to spend our way to the top with no regard for profitability. 

The second group is sensible and wants to get a return on our investments. In this case, the first group won. Nevertheless, it's a great time to be an MTT player on WPT Global!

It certainly feels a bit like this, looking from the outside. Of course, there is probably a well-devised business plan behind it all (maybe?), but at the end of the day, do we really care as players?

There is huge value to be had at WPT Global in March and zero reason not to go after that value. So why not grab the WPT Global poker app and put in some tournament volume, playing some of the softest games around and enjoying an occasional overlay?

I just can't come up with any good reasons against it.

Article by
Ivan played poker professionally for over five years but finally decided to merge his passion for writing with poker and became one of the leading writers in this industry. You can connect with Ivan via his LinkedIn profile and follow him on Twitter.

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