When players get into a 13 vs 3 blackjack situation, they always wonder what the best course of action is. It is in your best interest to stand when the dealer has a 3 vs your 13. The dealer has a lower chance of going bust within the next 2 to 4 hands, so it is best you pace yourself and stand. When faced with this situation, hitting increases your risk of going bust because of the high value of your card. When you hit, you have a 60% chance of getting a favorable card value that does not make you go bust vs a 100% chance of staying in the game when you stand.
The approach you take should depend on your strategy. If you want to be aggressive and risk a hit, it is important that you note the dangers involved. Where possible, you should avoid hitting and put the dealer in the position to hit and try to improve his hand. The dealer has a 37% chance of going bust when they start with a 3 while the player has a 38% chance of going bust when they start with 13.
The best blackjack strategy, in this case, is to wait by standing to observe the flow of the game. Standing may be seen as a conservative move, but it puts you in a position to stay in the game. Always stand when you have a 13 and encounter the dealer’s 3.