
What’s the Max Number of Players in Texas Hold’em Poker?


April 21, 2024 · 1 minute

how many players in poker texas hold'em

In a standard full-ring Texas Hold’em poker game, the maximum number of players at the table is 10, plus the dealer. Sometimes, a full-ring Texas Hold’em game can have a maximum of 9 players instead of the standard ten.

Of course, the maximum number of players in a Texas Hold’em poker game can vary based on additional table rules. For instance, if you’re playing a 6-handed Texas Hold’em game instead of a 9-handed or 10-handed one, the maximum number of players at the table is limited to six.

While the theoretical number of players can be significantly higher, this is not practical, both from a gameplay perspective and due to the size of the poker table, which can only fit so many players. For example, as Texas Hold’em uses a standard deck of 52 cards, the theoretical maximum of players could be 22, with every player receiving two cards, five community cards on the board, and three burn cards.

Additionally, depending on the maximum number of players in the Texas Hold’em poker game you’re playing, the specific player positions at the table will be different. For instance, in a 6-handed game, the positions go clockwise in this order: Small Blind, Big Blind, UTG (Under The Gun), MP (Middle Position), Cutoff, and Button.

In a 10-handed Texas Hold’em poker game, the positions would be: Small Blind, Big Blind, UTG, UTG+1, UTG-2, MP, Hijack, Lojack, Cutoff, and Button.

This is crucial to keep in mind, as the overall number of players at the poker table significantly impacts the game dynamics and has a big influence on the proper strategic approach. While your odds of hitting a particular hand do not change when there are more players, your odds of winning the pot do go down.

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As an avid online casino player, Alex strives to stay in touch with the latest gambling trends. He likes to share his passion for the industry with other players through his writing work. You can connect with Alex on LinkedIn .

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