The 16 vs. 10 blackjack strategy is what players should do when they are faced with a dealer’s 10 when they hold a 16. Players want to know if they should hit or stand in that situation. The 16 is a 9 and a 7, while the dealer has a face-up card showing 10. Standing in this situation will lead to defeat about 77% of the time. It can be quite tempting for players to be lured by the stand option, but hitting is always the preferred choice.
When you hit 16 vs 10, you are likely to go bust 74% of the time, which is 3% less than when you stand. Therefore, it is the most logical step to take to ensure that you have a chance at beating the dealer. Alternatively, if you play at a casino that allows you to surrender, that’s another option you can take. Surrendering will help you to limit your losses and protect your bankroll for the next round.
Where surrendering isn’t an option, players should always prioritize hitting over standing. If you choose to stand, you should be aware that you will lose more times than you can hope to win, and it is a riskier position than standing. Many players have a losing mentality when they get into this situation because the odds of winning are low. Where possible, take the best outcome that minimizes your losses and allows you to participate in subsequent rounds.