
3-Card Poker vs Blackjack: Which Has Better Odds?


February 20, 2024 · 1 minute

3 card poker vs blackjack

Blackjack features significantly better odds for the player than 3-card poker. The house edge in Blackjack can be as little as 0.5%, which is much more favorable than the 2.3% house edge in 3-card poker.

3-Card Poker and blackjack are two very different games. But, in a direct Three-Card Poker vs. blackjack comparison, why does Blackjack have better winning odds? Here’s a table overview of how these two games compare, starting with Three-Card Poker odds:

Three-Card Poker Hand Odds
Straight Flush 0.22%
Three-of-a-Kind 0.24%
Straight 3.26%
Flush 4.96%
Pair 16.94%
High Card 74.39%

In blackjack, odds are calculated a bit differently. There are three possible outcomes to every game, this is the player winning, the dealer winning, and a push (tie). On average, the odds of the player winning are just over 42%. On the other hand, the odds of the dealer winning are about 49%. Lastly, slightly over 8% of games end in a push.

Additionally, it’s important to note that these odds can vary significantly depending on the exact blackjack variation, house rules, and your playing skill. For instance, a player with a suboptimal blackjack strategy will experience worse winning odds than one who plays optimally.

3-Card Poker vs. Blackjack House Edge

Three-Card Poker has a house edge of 3.37%. By placing the play bet with a hand of Q, 6, 4, or better, you can lower the house edge to about 2%. Additionally, if you choose to take the Pair Plus bet, you can play the game with a house edge of 2.3%.

Blackjack has a significantly more favorable house edge, which is no surprise, as it’s one of the best casino games in this regard. Depending on the variation and with an optimal strategy, you can play blackjack with a house edge from 2% to just 0.5%.

3-Card Poker vs. Blackjack Gameplay Differences

While both games are played against the house, blackjack is a more complex game that involves more decision-making. In Three-Card Poker, your input is minimal, as you only have to decide whether you want to bet.

In blackjack, players choose when they want to receive more cards, stand on their current count, or split their cards into two hands to be played separately. These gameplay elements make it very different from 3-Card Poker.

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As an avid online casino player, Alex strives to stay in touch with the latest gambling trends. He likes to share his passion for the industry with other players through his writing work. You can connect with Alex on LinkedIn .

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