888Poker News

888poker Introduces Tag Team Games Coupling Pros & Amateurs


April 28, 2024 · 3 minutes

888poker tag team poker

Tag Team poker has been around for a while, and although it’ll never become a mainstream variation, it is undoubtedly one of the most entertaining formats kicking about.

You don’t have to take our word for it, though. 888poker has set out to prove the point, setting up Tag Team home games, pairing up their Team Pro members with amateurs, and letting chips fall where they may.

The operator is kicking things off with a round of games featuring big-name players like Ian Simpson and Vivi Saliba on the pro side of things and ‘JaackMaate’ and his buddies representing the amateurs.

Each of the four pros is paired with one of the amateurs, creating interesting dynamics at the tables and a very fun and relaxed viewing experience.

888poker Tag Team Game Rules

Tag Team poker doesn’t deviate much from your traditional No Limit Hold’em rules in terms of the action on the felt. However, since there are two people involved on each team, there are some special rules in place for this format.

To start with, each player receives three tag chips and one veto chip. These chips can only be put in play before cards are dealt.

Games are played in a tournament format, and at the end of each blind level, players have a chance to win more special chips to add to their arsenal.

Pro players aren’t allowed to play two consecutive hands where they voluntarily put chips into the pot. However, tag chips can be used to switch in your teammate.

Finally, to add to the chaos and confusion, pro players aren’t allowed to give any tips or advice to their teammates while there is a hand in progress. They can talk strategy before the game starts and between the hands, but no coaching is allowed while the action is in progress.

A Friendly Game of Poker

888poker’s Tag Team games weren’t envisioned as a learning vehicle. If you’re looking to improve your game, there are plenty of poker tips out there to get you there.

Instead, the whole idea behind the concept is to have a fun and relaxed playing environment, bringing together serious players who know a lot about the game and put them together with amateurs who love poker but aren’t quite up to snuff in terms of the game theory.

Throw in special “power” chips into the mix, and you get a fun and chaotic game where the end result isn’t as important as the experience of getting there.

The three episodes you can watch on the 888poker YouTube channel prove the point. With plenty of table banter, liberal interpretation of the rules, and friendly jabs directed at opponents and teammates alike, the whole experience is more akin to a penny game at your favorite local pub.

The main difference is that the winning team stands to win $10,000, so the penny part goes out the window. Despite the friendly atmosphere, all teams have a big enough motivation to try their best as there is a nice chunk of change waiting on the other side.

Adding Variety to the Poker Content Space

Over the last year or so, we’ve seen several big poker sites putting in the efforts to enrich the poker content space with some fresh and unique ideas. As one of the leading names in online poker, 888poker has joined this movement, and it’s done so quite masterfully.

Tag Team poker games are the latest continuation of this trend, where the main idea is to present poker in a fun and relaxed light. This makes the game more appealing to the proverbial masses, showing that it’s not all about learning GTO and wrecking your head over complicated calculations.

It may not be everyone’s cup of tea, as things do get a bit hectic and hard to follow at times, but if you just want to chill, have a few laughs, and watch the kind of poker you won’t see at major events or in high stakes games, you should definitely check it out!

Article by
Ivan played poker professionally for over five years but finally decided to merge his passion for writing with poker and became one of the leading writers in this industry. You can connect with Ivan via his LinkedIn profile and follow him on Twitter.

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