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Taking the Mystery Out of the Nash Equilibrium in Poker!


1 minute

Last Updated: February 7, 2022

The Nash Equilibrium is a game theory concept, which can undoubtedly be used in poker (as we’ll see in this article).

But its premise also applies to other areas outside of poker, such as economics and social sciences.

In essence, the Nash Theorem states that you would choose not to deviate from an initial course of action. You would take this action even if you knew your opponent’s strategy.

In other words, say two poker players knew each other’s strategies. They opted NOT to deviate from their initial strategy (because they could not derive any more profit or EV).

In this instance, the Nash Equilibrium is satisfied.

To find out more about this concept often covered in mystery and become a better player in the process, be sure to visit the 888poker Magazine to read the full article.

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