888poker LIVE

Win 888poker LIVE Passport & Play Exciting Poker Events in 2024


March 19, 2024 · 4 minutes

888poker LIVE Passport

Live poker is booming in Europe, and 888poker has been one of the main driving powers behind that surge, throwing some of the biggest and most accessible live tournaments in recent years.

This year, 888poker kicked off the season with a successful event in Madrid, and the LIVE tour continues this month in Bucharest, with the festival starting on March 16.

The best events of the year are yet to come, and 888poker is offering you a chance to freeroll your way to an 888poker LIVE Passport, which allows you entry into any LIVE event of your choice.

Keep reading to find out what you need to do to win your Passport and book a seat in Barcelona, London, or Coventry this summer and fall.

What Is 888poker LIVE Passport?

In the past, online poker satellites usually only awarded seats for particular destinations and events, limiting the number of players who may want to compete for them.

Now, 888poker offers a chance to win an 888poker LIVE Passport, your ticket to ANY 888poker event in Europe, with several destinations still left on the schedule for 2024.

By winning the Passport, you can choose which event you want to play and when, giving you the liberty to select the destination you prefer to travel to, whether for convenience or pleasure.

The remaining 888poker LIVE destinations for this year are all quite exciting, and each of them promises a poker extravaganza along with all other activities offered away from the felt.

How Can I Win an 888poker LIVE Passport for Free?

This year, 888poker is offering a chance to win two free 888poker LIVE Passports each month between January and June, with a number of Passports already given away to the luckiest and most skillful players.

The two monthly Passports are given away by the operators for free, with no strings attached. All you need to do to have a chance is complete one of three simple challenges on the online poker platform and compete in the monthly “Ultimate Passport Tournament.”

The monthly freeroll awards two 888poker LIVE Passports, each good for an entry into any 888poker event of your choosing.

To participate in the freeroll, all you need to do is complete one of the following challenges in the period between the two freerolls:

  • Win 10 BLAST Games with Buyin of $1 or More
  • Win 80 Hands at Cash Game Tables
  • Play 15 MTTS with Buyin of $1 or More

The requirements for participation in these tournaments are minimal, and you could easily get into one with a simple $10 deposit with the online poker operator.

There are three freerolls remaining this year, and they will be played on the following dates:

  • April 6, 2024
  • May 4, 2024
  • June 1, 2024

Make your deposit today and play the lowest-stakes games to enter the monthly freerolls and win an 888poker LIVE Passport.

What Events Can I Play?

As already mentioned, the 888poker LIVE Passport gives you admission to any 888poker LIVE event this year, with four events still on the docket.

The 2024 888poker LIVE Bucharest starts later this month, which means players who already hold one of the Passports will have a chance to play in just 10 days in the Romanian capital.

On the other hand, all players who win their Passports in the coming months will get a chance to play one of the remaining three events, which include:

  • 888poker LIVE Barcelona: May 2024
  • 888poker LIVE London at “The VIC”: August 2024
  • 888poker LIVE Coventry: October 2024

The 888poker LIVE Passport is good for any of these events, but the operator is also hosting a number of other exciting events across the UK and Spain.

The inaugural season of the UKIPL has already begun and will feature events in Manchester, Leeds, London, and Coventry before the year is over.

On the other hand, mainland players can head out to Spain and enjoy CNP festivals in Barcelona, Granada, Alicante, and Madrid.

With so much exciting 888poker-sponsored action going on across Europe, mid-stakes players are in for a ton of fun and opportunities to make poker history in 2024.

Join 888poker Today!

The variety of 888poker LIVE, UKIPL, and CNP events is only one of the reasons to join 888poker, as the operator offers Passports and direct satellites for each of these tournaments.

In addition, you can get one of the most generous welcome packages, access to some of the best online poker tournaments and cash games, and lucrative promotions all in one place.

888poker is one of the longest standing online poker operators on the international market and one that has proven to offer a trustworthy and safe platform for online poker players.

Join 888poker right now to enjoy all these perks and play in the three remaining 888poker LIVE Passport satellites with minimal entry requirements and valuable packages awarded to the winners.

Article by
Zvonimir has played poker for well over a decade and shared his knowledge with his fans and followers on various sites. He will help you master anything from basic strategies to advanced topics, so you will not go wrong with his articles. He also loves watching poker on TV and shares his insights about poker celebrities. You can connect with Ivan via his LinkedIn profiile.

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