How Much Can Keno Pay Out?

how does keno pay out

1 minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2024

Keno is a lottery-style game where players are expected to match the numbers on their keno cards to the numbers generated by the Keno machine. If a player has the same numbers on their cards as generated by the machine, they win a payout. How does keno payout? And what can players expect to receive? In a standard keno game, players are expected to match 20 numbers, and the payouts received depend on the number of matches a player has. The potential payout can be anywhere from $1 to $2 million. 

The odds of getting a matching number on a 20-numbered card is 1 in 4 for each number. Keno offers players so many ways to win because of how it is structured. The payouts are influenced by how much was wagered and how many numbers were picked. The more numbers a player picks, the higher their chances of winning large amounts. The goal should be to improve the number of catches you get, as this ensures you have a high return. Catches are the amount of matches you get from your picks. Short picks with high catches pay less than longer picks with high catches. 

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