
Online Roulette vs Real Roulette: What’s the Difference?


February 12, 2024 · 1 minute

online roulette vs real roulette

Roulette is a popular casino game that can be played live and online. Although they are the same game with the same rules, the medium of delivering the game to players has made it such that there are slight differences between both variations. In a nutshell, here is a table showing the major differences between both types of Roulette:

Real Roulette Online Roulette
It has a physical dealer, wheel, and other equipment. The game is virtual and controlled by an RNG (Random Number Generator) which determines the outcomes.
There is human interaction among dealers and players. There is no interaction between players or dealers as it is a fully virtual experience.
Higher betting limits. Lower betting limits.
Manual payouts. Automatic payouts.

 Real roulette uses a physical wheel and an ivory ball, which is spun by a dealer. Players are expected to place bets on the pockets where they think the ball will land. There are two types of wheels, American and European. The type of wheel used will determine the house edge, odds, and probabilities of the ball landing in various pockets. One drawback with real roulette is that players cannot adjust the game speed for faster outcomes as everything is done manually.

Online roulette, on the other hand, is a fully virtual experience created to mimic the physical casino game. The outcomes are determined by RNGs, which are programs that keep the game fair by generating random outcomes in line with the game odds and house edge. Players can speed up the experience by increasing the speed of the wheel. They can also use tools like auto spins to skip the time within spins to increase the average number of spins per hour. Online roulette offers players a virtual and controlled experience that they can customize to suit their tastes. 

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As an avid online casino player, Alex strives to stay in touch with the latest gambling trends. He likes to share his passion for the industry with other players through his writing work. You can connect with Alex on LinkedIn .

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