Pai Gow vs Blackjack: Which Has Better Odds?

pai gow odds vs blackjack

1 minute

Last Updated: February 20, 2024

Pai Gow and blackjack are both card games enjoyed by gamblers at casinos. It is common for players to engage in pai gow vs blackjack debates when it's time to decide which has better odds. Knowing the game with better odds will help players decide when they want to gamble on card games at a casino. 

Pai Gow is a card game where one or more gamblers play against the dealer. Players are given one hand of 7 cards, which they are expected to split into a 2-card and 5-card hand. The player’s 5-card hand must be equal to or greater in value than the 2-card hand. Once players have finished creating both hands, they compare them against the dealer’s hands. If both the player’s hands are higher than the dealer's hands, they win, and if it is the opposite, the bet is lost. If only one hand is higher than the dealer's, it becomes a push. Pai Gow has a house edge of 2.84%.

Blackjack is a card game where players are expected to bet against the dealer. Players are dealt two initial cards and are expected to hit or stand until they get a total card value of 21 or close to 21. If the dealer has the closest card value to 21, they win, and if the player does, the player wins. If the dealer and the player have equal card values, it becomes a push. Blackjack has a house edge that can go as low as 0.5%, depending on the skill of the player. 

Between blackjack and Pai Gow, blackjack has better odds and is a game heavily influenced by skill and strategy. Players who want a game with a better chance of beating the house should choose blackjack.

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