How Does the Joker Work in Pai Gow Poker?

pai gow poker joker rules

1 minute

Last Updated: February 23, 2024

Pai Gow Poker is a table game played with a 52-card deck and one Joker. In this game, the Joker is known as a “bug” and is primarily used as an ace. It can be used to make a pair of aces, a 3-of-a-kind ace, a 4-of-a-kind ace, and a 5-of-a-kind ace hand (which is one of the most valuable combinations in Pai Gow Poker). This is the most basic way the Joker card can be used in Pai Gow Poker. 

On the surface, the Joker in Pai Gow Poker looks similar to the Joker seen in other poker games and their variants. However, Pai Gow Poker Joker rules are different from those of other poker games, and you should be familiar with them since the Joker card can be an important part of your winning strategy. 

Aside from acting as an ace, a Joker can also be used to fill out a straight, a flush, or a straight flush in Pai Gow Poker. A straight is made of 5 sequential cards, while a flush happens when you have 5 cards of the same suit. A straight flush is a combination of these two (i.e., a hand with 5 sequential cards of the same suit). In these scenarios, the Joker is used as a wild card. You can use it as any other card you need to complete the straight or flush sequence. 

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