
December 18, 2023 · 1 minute

What Is Going South In Poker

In poker, the expression “going south” refers to a situation in which a player takes a portion of their chips off the table during a cash game, usually after winning a big pot.

The player will hide or remove some of his chips from the table, reducing their stack and taking a portion of it out of the game, which is a clear example of angle shooting.

Going south is considered unethical and illegal in most casinos because it allows the player who does it to limit the amount of money he can lose during a hand and prevents his opponent at the table from getting back the money they lost previously.

If a player does implement this move, he can receive a penalty or can even be banned from the game.

Poker Going South Example:

Let’s say that you are playing a $5/$10 No Limit game of Texas Hold’em live and lose a pot worth $4,000. After the hand ends, your opponent takes $2,000 from his stack and puts it in his pocket.

This is a classical example of going south in poker.

By removing half of his stack from the table, your opponent limits the amount of money he can lose in future poker hands.

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