
What are Progressive Slots vs Regular Slots?


February 21, 2024 · 1 minute

progressive slots vs regular

There are different types of slots available to players, and these include progressive and regular slots. Regular slots are slot games with fixed jackpots that do not change regardless of how many times they are played or won. On the other hand, progressive jackpots do not have a fixed jackpot value as it can shift based on varying factors. 

Regular slots are also known as non-progressive jackpot slots, and this is because the total jackpot winning is capped at a fixed amount. For example, if a regular slot has a fixed jackpot of 500x the bet amount, this would not change regardless of the amount of a player's wager. Therefore, if a player should bet $0.30 or $300 per spin, the jackpot amount will remain 500x their wager. The game developer is responsible for setting the jackpot amount, which is influenced by the volatility, RTP (Return to Player), hit rate, and other important factors. 

What are progressive slots? Progressive slots are “progressive”, which means that the value of the jackpot is fluid and not fixed. With each new wager from players, the value of the jackpot increases, and it can reach up to millions at a time. When a progressive jackpot is won, it resets back to a default base and starts to build up again until a new winner emerges. The beauty of progressive slots is that they are usually run over a network. Therefore, players of a progressive jackpot game in different casinos are connected over the network. If one player wins in any of those casinos, the jackpot for that title is reset back to default. 

When deciding between progressive slots vs regular slots, it is important to determine what is important to you. Do you want fixed, consistent wins or large, infrequent wins? The choice is yours. 

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As an avid online casino player, Alex strives to stay in touch with the latest gambling trends. He likes to share his passion for the industry with other players through his writing work. You can connect with Alex on LinkedIn .

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