
What is RTP in Slots?


February 21, 2024 · 1 minute

what is rtp in slots

RTP is the abbreviation for Return to Player. What is RTP in slots? The Return to Player is a metric that is used to determine how much a player is expected to receive when they put money into a slot machine. The RTP is the opposite of the house edge, and it is expressed in percentages. For example, if a slot game has an RTP of 96%, then the house edge is 4%. Furthermore, a player can expect to receive $96 for every $100 they put into the slot machine.

The RTP is a metric that tells players how profitable it is to play at a slot machine. Although it is not an exactly accurate measure, it gives players an estimated range of what to expect from a slot game. To calculate the RTP of a slot game, the overall amount won is divided by the amount used to play the game. Most times, casino software providers use computer algorithms to play their slots hundreds or thousands of times to determine the RTP of their slots. 

The RTP on slots ranges from 93% to 99%, with 93% being regarded as very low and 99% being regarded as very high. Most slot games fall between the 94% to the 96% range when the RTP is calculated. It is important for players to note that the RTP does not mean that the outcomes on the machine can be predicted. For example, a 97% RTP does not imply that players will be on a winning streak. Wins will be varied, and losses will also occur at random as determined by the RNG (Random Number Generator). The RNG ensures that slot games are fair and balanced by randomizing the outcomes of each spin. Ensure that you learn the RTP of any slot game before you begin playing.

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As an avid online casino player, Alex strives to stay in touch with the latest gambling trends. He likes to share his passion for the industry with other players through his writing work. You can connect with Alex on LinkedIn .

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