What Number Hits the Most in Roulette?

what number hits the most in roulette

1 minute

Last Updated: February 9, 2024

In roulette, knowing the numbers that are most likely to appear will allow you to place bets accordingly. The game is not rigged, and outcomes are random, but some numbers have a higher probability of occurring than others. The numbers that hit the most are usually in the outside bets category, and they include:

1-18 and 19-36

1-18 are known as low bets, while 19-36 are known as high bets. Making this bet will put you in a good position to capture a broad range of possible numbers for the wheel to stop on. There is a 46.37% chance of any of these numbers appearing, and the payout for this bet is 1:1. 

First 12 and Second 12

The first 12 refers to the numbers 1-12, while the second 12 refers to the numbers 13-24. These are side bets with a probability of 31.58%. What makes this bet enticing to players is that they have a 2:1 payout even though their probability is slightly lower than other common numbers. 

Odd/Even and Red/Black

The odds or even bet is choosing to bet on either an odd or even number as the final stop of the roulette wheel. It removes specific numbers from your bet and increases the possibilities. The red or black bet is choosing the wheel to land on either a red or black slot and eliminates the numbers entirely. The probability of these bets occurring is 46.37%, and the payout is 1:1. 

Although these bets have decent probabilities and payouts, you should not base your entire roulette strategy on these numbers. Ensure that you understand the wheel that is being used (American or European) and learn the odds and house edge. This will give you the upper hand when you place your bets. 

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