Casino Blog

5 Apps to Help You Learn Blackjack Strategy


September 30, 2022 · 2 minutes

5 apps blackjack strategy

Thanks to modern mobile technology, you can enjoy many of the pleasures that the most well-known card game in the world can offer without having to physically go to a gambling establishment.

An app for blackjack can be downloaded on your mobile device to experience the same thrills whenever and wherever you are.

Additionally, there is specific mobile software that can teach you to play blackjack like a pro.

The number of apps competing for the title of top mobile blackjack application is very high, and this is not an overstatement. Over time, they have clogged both the App Store and Google Play.

The majority of them focus on multiplayer games in an effort to give everyone access to a top-notch social gambling experience. There are many excellent online blackjack NJ websites you can find on the market.

But before you start playing the real game against real players, you have to get some practice, and here are the top five apps that are going to help you learn how to play blackjack.

Blackjack Trainer Pro

Do not mistake this software for Blackjack Apprenticeships. This one was produced in 2022 by HornetApps.

If you want to practice soft hands and pairs and keep track of stat tables, you can get it from Google Play for $5.99.

You should know that this is only an instructional app and that no other app in its category will let you have as many hand configurations as it does.

Blackjack & Card Counting Trainer Pro

It is a mobile application designed specifically to assist you in learning how to count cards. The nice guys at Blackjack Apprenticeship are the ones that brought it to you, and it has been highlighted in both the Good Morning America and New York Times.

Surprisingly, despite great reviews, this app is rather niche. Since many people think it's the finest blackjack practice app for iPhones, it boasts more downloads on the latter platform.

BlackJack 21

This app saw the light of day in 2011. BlackJack 21, which was developed by Funstage, claims to be the most popular online card game that is free.

blackjack strategy apps

It is only available on Google Play and has received nearly 115 thousand reviews by players. While using this app, you can communicate with other players and experience real gaming while learning how to improve.

Blackjack Strategy Practice

It is an app created by WFT Productions. This app was released to the market in 2013 and is updated around once a year.

The app has very positive reviews on both iOS and Android, nearing 5 stars on both platforms, so it is clearly well-liked by its customers. It has no in-game advertisements and offers thorough statistics on every hand played.

Blackjack Coach

Intellifactor exclusively develops blackjack-related apps. Their most well-known product, the Coach app, debuted in 2011 on Google Play. The 4.8 ratings and $1.99 pricing make it worth it.

The Coach provides statistics that demonstrate your development over time and has an easy-to-use interface that even total beginners can figure out in no time.

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As an avid online casino player, Alex strives to stay in touch with the latest gambling trends. He likes to share his passion for the industry with other players through his writing work. You can connect with Alex on LinkedIn .

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