Poker World

Dwan, Jungleman, and Rampage Join HCL Million Dollar Game


April 10, 2024 · 5 minutes

Tom Dwan

Hustler Casino Live, the world’s most popular live streamed poker show, announced the return of their Million Dollar Game earlier this year, with the dates set for May 28 – 30.

Show’s hosts Ryan Feldman and Nick Vertucci initially announced a stacked lineup that included the likes of Doug Polk, Alan Keating, Nik Airball, Tony G, and Santosh Suvarna, but things just got even more interesting.

In their latest update, HCL announced that Tom “durrr” Dwan, Dan “Jungleman” Cates, and Ethan “Rampage” Yau would all be joining the epic stream for at least one day.

The game in question is set to be one of the biggest in recorded poker history, and the addition of the likes of Dwan, Rampage, and Jungleman to the lineup only means even more action and even bigger pots.

Tom Dwan currently holds the record for the biggest pot won in a TV poker hand, which he set in last year’s HCL Million Dollar Game, winning $3.1 million against Wesley Fei.

While it does seem like Wesley won’t be joining the game this time around, there will be plenty of other players ready to give Tom some action and get involved in massive pots, any one of which could set the new record this May.

Dwan & Jungleman vs Tony G & Santosh

This year’s Million Dollar Game, like last year’s, will be played across three days of action, with different lineups of players coming in for each day and alternate players coming in to take the seats of those who leave the game.

While the exact lineups have not been set just yet, Ryan Feldman has hinted that Tom Dwan is looking to play all three days, a welcome news for all the poker fans out there.

What’s even more, we now know that Day 2 lineup is supposed to include Tom Dwan, Dan Cates, Tony G, Charles Yu, and Brandon Steven, among others, guaranteeing amazing action.

Dwan and Cates are widely considered to be among the best No Limit Texas Hold’em players out there, while Tony G and Santosh Suvarna two of the most action-based players in TV poker history.

It will be interesting to see these players go head-to-head as the two businessmen pull out all the tricks, widen their ranges, and put the pros in some tough spots.

On top of those, players like Charles are also guaranteed to get into some interesting situations, and it remains to be seen which of the other notables on the HCL list get invited for Day 2 action.

Dwan to Play on HCL Amidst Drama

Tom Dwan is best known as being one of the biggest winners in both live and online cash games out there, but has recently been involved in quite a bit of drama.

A couple of months ago, multiple people have accused Tom of not paying his debts via Twitter, which sparked some conversation in the poker community and led to Dwan reacting to the accusations.

Some of the drama has eventually been settled, as Tom and Peter Jetten apparently had their dispute settled via arbitration, which went Jetten’s way.

However, during a recent live stream from The Lodge, Doug Polk suggested out loud that he has it on good authority Tom owes $30 million in total.

Where these debts may have come from, who they are owed to, and whether they are even real, remains a matter of debate

However, all of the recent drama put Tom Dwan in the center of poker community’s attention for all the wrong reasons, and he will want to put things straight upon his HCL return.

When May 28 rolls around, we expect to see durrr coming in with a lot of chips, ready to battle for some of the biggest pots, and show that any financial issues he may have won’t get in the way of him playing poker the way he knows how.

Can Rampage Turn Things Around?

Ethan Yau, better known as Rampage, became one of the most popular poker players in the world over the last few years thanks to his YouTube content.

Despite a very hot start to his poker career, Rampage has stumbled into somewhat of a downswing more recently, losing over a million dollars straight over a course of a couple of months.

Most recently, Ethan has been trying to recuperate his losses by setting himself a million dollar challenge, where he seeks to win a million dollars through a variety of cash games.

While there is still plenty of time before the HCL Million Dollar Game, it is not very likely Rampage will win a million before then, which means this could be a great opportunity for a big win.

Of course, Yau is likely to sell of a decent portion of his million dollar buyin for this game, but should still have a decent chunk of his own action as well.

Come May 28, we hope to see Rampage well rested, off tilt, ready to play the best poker of his life, and maybe pull off some sick bluffs like the one he pulled on Handz last year.

Biggest Game in TV Poker History?

Over the last few years, we have seen quite a few poker record broken, including those for biggest TV poker pot and game a few times over.

This year, it looks like those records are all in question again, as the amount of money expected to be on the table, along with the insane lineup of players who will be involved, means HCL Million Dollar Game could become the biggest game ever played.

With players like Dwan, Tony G, Santosh Suvarna, and Alan Keating involved, it is also likely we will see quite a few six-figure pots, some of which could eclipse the $3.1 million one played between Dwan and Wes Side last year.

So, make sure to mark your calendars and set some time aside to enjoy this year’s HCL Million Dollar game in real time, as it promises to be one of the most exciting poker games you have ever hand a chance to watch.

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Zvonimir has played poker for well over a decade and shared his knowledge with his fans and followers on various sites. He will help you master anything from basic strategies to advanced topics, so you will not go wrong with his articles. He also loves watching poker on TV and shares his insights about poker celebrities. You can connect with Ivan via his LinkedIn profiile.

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