
What is the House Edge in Baccarat? It Depends


February 23, 2024 · 1 minute

what is the house edge in baccarat

The house edge in Baccarat depends on whether you’re betting on the banker or the player. If you bet on the banker to win, the house edge is as low as 1.06%. This rises slightly if you bet on the player to win. In this case, the house edge is 1.24%. There’s also a third possibility, which is to bet on a tie. For a tie bet, the house edge is a massive 14.36%. 

The house edge in any casino game refers to the mathematical advantage the casino has or the average gross profit they can expect from each game. The lower the house edge, the better the chances of a player winning. Baccarat is a casino game with one of the lowest house edges you can find. 

Based on the house edge in Baccarat, it’s always best to bet on the banker winning. While this offers the lowest payout of all the three options, you’re slightly more likely to win in baccarat when you bet on the banker. Similarly, the tie bet is the least likely to win. It offers the highest payout but is more risky to play because the house edge is higher. 

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As an avid online casino player, Alex strives to stay in touch with the latest gambling trends. He likes to share his passion for the industry with other players through his writing work. You can connect with Alex on LinkedIn .

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