
December 19, 2023 · 1 minute

What Is A Redraw In Poker

In poker, a redraw refers to a made hand that has the potential of improving to an even better hand.

Redraws are very important in poker because they bring additional equity to a hand, or in other words, they bring additional outs and increase the player’s chance of making a strong hand and thus winning the pot.

For a redraw to be valuable, it needs to improve your hand and give you a better poker hand than your opponents.

For this reason, understanding and utilizing redraws effectively is a valuable skill in poker, as it will allow you to increase your ROI and bb/100 line and make better decisions at the table.

Poker Redraw Example:

Let’s say you are holding Ad Jd suited, and the board is 8d 9h Tc 7d.

In this situation, you have a straight and also a redraw to the diamond nut flush.

So if you are up against an opponent who also has straight, you are free rolling since, in the worst-case scenario, you will split the pot, and if a diamond comes, you are taking the whole pot down with a flush.

This might be a good spot to take insurance if you are up against a hand that has a redraw to beat you.

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