In poker, “board” refers to the community cards dealt face-up in the middle of the table.
These community cards are to be shared by all players when putting together their poker hand combinations.
Poker boards consist of five community cards:
- The flop (dealt after the pre-flop betting round, consists of three cards)
- The turn (dealt after the flop betting round, consists of one card)
- The river (dealt after the turn betting round, consist of one card)
Depending on their texture, boards can be put into two main categories:
Dry boards consist of disconnected cards that offer no or very few drawing opportunities, while wet boards consist of cards that are connected and offer many possibilities for straights or flushes.
Understanding how the board's texture connects with your and your opponent's range is an important skill in poker, as it can help you make decisions about betting, calling, and folding.
You can adjust your play accordingly by considering your opponent's potential hands based on his action and the board texture, which is one of the most important poker tips to remember.
Poker Board Example:
Three players moved all in before the flop, so everyone was guaranteed to see the full poker board, which ran out with Jd Jh Ac Ts Jc. The player holding Ace Jack made quads and won the hand against a pair of nines and pocket pair of queens.