
December 18, 2023 · 1 minute

What Is A Draw In Poker

A draw refers to a poker hand combination that lacks certain cards to complete a made hand, but it becomes extremely valuable if those cards are drawn.

Two of the most common draws in poker are:

  • Flush draws  – combinations with 4 cards of the same suit that need one more card of that suit to create a flush.
  • Straight draws  – combinations that have 4 cards in a row and need one more card to create a hand that consists of 5 consecutive cards and make a straight.

Knowing how to play draws correctly is vital since you can win the pot by semi-bluffing your opponent or hitting your hand, which adds a lot of equity to these poker hands.

To exploit the full potential of drawing hands in poker, the first two things you need to learn are how to recognize different draws depending on the cards you are holding and understand the outs and pot odds of hitting each draw. Also, it is important to avoid situations where you are drawing dead.

In some situations, you might already have a made hand and a redraw to an even better holding.

Poker Draw Example:

You are playing Texas Hold’em, and the action is folded to you on the Button. You are holding As 7s, you make a raise, the SB folds, and the BB calls.

The flop comes 8s Ks 9d.

In this situation, you have four spades (As Ks 8s 7s), and you need one more spade to make a nut flush, so your hand is classified as a flush draw.

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